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This date couldn't have been more perfect. As I finish the last sushi roll and take a long gulp of wine I look over at Ace and notice his nervous expression. I've noticed that he's been on edge since he woke up this morning and I can't for the life of me figure out why. He cleans up our trash and then stands and reaches his hand out for me "Let's go on a little walk" I take them and he pulls me up.

I bring my solo cup of wine and hold his hand with my free one. He leads us towards the water near this bend where there are a bunch of rocks leading out and we stand, letting the water hit our toes. We stare out into the horizon as the sun starts to set and I feel Ace drop my hand. I'm so mesmerized by how beautiful the sky looks right now that I don't notice until I see him out of the corner of my eye.

I do a double take as I look down at him on one knee and I'm speechless as he begins to talk "Aria Rose Jensen... I've been in love with you since you gave me sass the first day we met. I know things haven't always been great for us, but the moment you came into my life again I knew it was for a reason. Will you make me the happiest asshole on the planet by being spending forever with me?"

I cover my mouth and nod as tears stream down my cheeks and I can barely say a word "Ye... Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you Ace" he jumps up and I hold my hand out so he can slide the ring into my finger.

Of course it's absolutely stunning and fits perfectly. I practically jump into his arms afterwards as we passionately kiss and take in this beautiful moment. When we pull apart he wipes the tears away from my eyes "Fuck this has been such a hard secret to keep baby" I smile.

"I can only imagine" I stare at the ring in disbelief.

We walk back to our picnic and he opens a bottle of champagne. We have a couple glasses and finish watching the sunset. Once it's dark out we pack up our things and head back to the house so I can share the news with my family. We pull into the driveway and I notice that the lights are off. We walk up the steps and I unlock the front door.

We step inside and I turn on the lights as we walk around the corner and then everyone jumps out shouting "Surprise!" I'm completely taken off guard.

"Oh my God" is all I say as my mom, Shelby and Jayce all walk over to look at the ring.

Abel and Conrad congratulate Ace and then give me a hug and that's when I notice unfamiliar faces who can only be Ace's family. He leads me over and introduces me to his mom, dad and sister Sadie who I feel like I already know from everything he's told me about her. I give them all hugs and we talk as I show them the ring.

I end up talking to his mom and sister for a while. We take a seat on the couches with our champagne and we get to know each other better. After a bit my sister and Jay come over and his mom Michelle excuses herself and goes over to mingle with my mom. I look over my shoulder at the guys and still can't believe Conrad made it out here. I haven't seen him since he graduated and I wonder how it is  between him and Jay. But that's a conversation for another time.

The whole night passed by quickly and by the time everyone leaves for their hotels I'm exhausted. Ace and I head upstairs to finally get some alone time together and soak in our engagement. I wash my makeup off, brush my teeth, change into comfy clothes and then slide into bed next to Ace.

I turn on my side and look at him "Today was a dream come true"

"I'm glad it was baby doll, I was hoping the engagement party wasn't going to be too much"

"It wasn't at all, I can't believe your family and Conrad all came out here... It feels surreal. I can't wait to spend some more time with them, especially your sister" he grins.

He leans down and kisses me softly "Me too, I'm happy we get to celebrate with everyone we love"

I hold my hand out and take in the gorgeous diamond ring it's absolutely perfect I smile from cheek to cheek and still can't believe this happened. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing the top of it. I ask him how and why he chose this ring bad he tells me how my sister helped him. How he asked for my mom's blessing and how Jay helped him plan the whole engagement.

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