Four: I'm Always Relaxed

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The heels of my boots clack against the metal floor loudly, ringing in my ears and making me all the more nervous. I'll just do what I always do. That's all that needs to happen. I'm the most qualified for the Team and the best choice.

Plus, I can't wait to get out of Creepers Point.

The doors at the end of the hallway opens. I stop momentarily. This is it, Mahiko.

Fashioning my usual confident smile, I step out onto the silver staircase. I walk up to the top platform and look at the challenge before me.

The room is at least eighty yards or so long. I'm standing on the platform that runs the length of it. Empty gaps are to my sides with emergency doors and some rubble from the last few tests resting there. On both walls are large windows; one, with Doctor Magnus, Batman, Nightwing, Miss Martian, Superboy, Batgirl and Bumblebee.

The rest of the Team are on the other side. All eyes are on me.

"Mahiko, just relax," Doctor Magnus' voice says through the speakers above my head.

"I'm always relaxed," I reply casually

"Good. When you are ready to begin, press the green button." Why is he telling me? I already know that. "To your left is an inhibitor cuff. Place it around your wrist. This will block out all of your powers apart from your ability to turn your skin to platinum, as this is a test of agility." So, no mental electronic manipulation.

The cuff sits with a few others, obviously for the people who are going next. I place it around my wrist and it instantly feels like gravity has become heavier.

I brush my hands over the thick metal plates on my uniform shorts, before adjusting my sword. I kneel down to the ground, preparing to spring up.

As per usual, I turn my skin to platinum, now the one power I have.

Taking a deep breath, I reach out and slam the green button. A buzzer rings, lights twirl and flash and the course comes to life like an industrial work space.

I spring off, shooting straight for the electrical barbs. They are vertical lines of electricity that move rapidly. A forest of them stands between me and the next stage.

The first couple move side to side, so they are easy to step between. Immediately after though I have to dodge roll beneath a horizontal barb, before flipping over three low ones. I guess this sort of training is the only thing my father was good for.

Just as I land, the ground opens up beneath me. Panicking, I leap onto the next platform in front of me. I look into the gap briefly, before turning around. I just manage a bend-back as a large chunk of wood comes swinging at me. It flies over head. I remain where I am as it continues to sway over me.

Balancing on one hand, I grab my katana and rip it out. This is no ordinary katana; this is a custom made master of destruction. So when I stand up, I time my swing with the spinning wood and slash at it, instantly breaking the log.

A grin forms on my face as I look at Doctor Magnus. That was a new edition, similar to the drop behind me. I continue to walk across the platform, slashing every attack that comes my way. I hope I look boss enough to make the Team.

A large grate lies before me. I slip my sword back into its sheath and watch as a fiery wall shoots up before me. When it dies out, a second one begins behind it. The process continues, leaving a small amount of space between the firewalls.

I time my steps carefully. The heat would boil or burn any other human; but at the moment I am pure platinum. As quick as I can, I reach the other side. 

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now