Seventeen: To Be A Hero

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Approximately 5"8, black hair, caucasian, wrinkled face, middle aged.

Whilst this is a Japanese event, happening in Japan under a Japanese company, there is a great amount of caucasian investors here, including my 'boss'. Finding the perp isn't going to be easy.

"Mr Wayne's philanthropy has always been impressive," I translate a middle-aged woman's comments to Nightwing. She stands before us with her husband. They are wealthy oil tycoons.

"Gotham's crime rates are down, due to the company's charity. Bruce expressed admiration towards their company's clean processing of oil."

I nod and turn back to them.

"Hanzai ritsu wa hikui. Kore wa Wayne Enterprises no okagedesu. Wayne-sama wa anata no kaisha no seiketsusa o shōsan shimasu."

They smile at Grayson-san, thanking him in English, before bowing to him. That's the end of the conversation. We both move along the room, filled with cheerful people excited for the reveal.

"Anything yet?" M'gann asks through the link. She and Conner aren't touching, at all, across the room from us. "I can't pinpoint the thoughts, there are too many."

"He's unlikely to show up this early before the reveal. When there's an audience gathering it will all go down," Nightwing responds.

I glance at M'gann and Conner again, before turning my back on them to focus on my 'boss'.

"Can I ask you something?" I question, curious. He chuckles down at the champagne glass yet to touch his lips.

"You want to know what happened with them, huh?" He responds.

"So they were together. That was more or less my question, rather than being nosy. How long did they date?"

"Years. See, when the team first began it was just me, Kid Flash and...Aqualad. Our first unsanctioned mission was at Cadmus, where we found Superboy. We were successful in rescuing him and shutting down their illegal operations, so when we demanded respect it was given to us in the form of a team. Miss Martian joined straight away. At first they didn't get alone with each other, because of her naïvety and his issues. But eventually, they stopped pretending and started admitting to themselves that they needed one another."

That sounds awfully familiar.

"Did they break up recently?"

"A few weeks before we met you."

"And now she's dating fish face."

He chuckles, nodding, "Shocked us all. We didn't think a team member would end up being her, well-" He stops, obviously reluctant to say it.

"Rebound?" I try.

He inhales sharply with a nod, "Rebound."

Again, familiar. Choosing a teammate to be your rebound...Blue Beetle...And Blade...

"Heads up, a group just entered the party late," Batgirl's voice echoes in my head. I look past the crowd, as do most people, to see a group of people entering. A caucasian man with a posse of younger people walking behind him.

Richard and I begin walking through the room again, staying just close enough to watch the newcomer.

"Matches the description," he comments.

The longer I look at the man, who is in fact middle-aged, wrinkly, about 5"8 and caucasian, the more his face grows familiar. When he marches up to the CEO of the company hosting, and begins speaking, I recognise his face.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now