Eleven: Botanophobe

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"Platinum," I tell myself, staring in the mirror. Hair in a bun, silver. Skin hard and silver. Costume, glossy white. "Platinum," I repeat, staring at my shiny reflection. I turn my head to the left, admiring the metal curve of my cheekbones and jaw, before turning the other way.

Simply cold, hard metal, yet mobile. None of the adolescents entirely understood their own powers, or what was done to them exactly. I'm no different.

In this form I remind myself of the T-X in Terminator 3.

"Mahiko? Are you ready?" I hear Batgirl call out from the other side of my bedroom door. I spend a few more seconds staring at my improved self.

"Platinum," I murmur one last time, assuredly and confidently, before violently shaking my head. "Stop talking to yourself."

Picking up my weapon made by Doc, a sword that, when sheathed can be used as a staff, I slide it onto my back. I open the door to find Batgirl standing there waiting.

"Wow," the red head says, looking me up and down, "You look like this'll suit you."

"I hope so," I say, throwing my hands up. I shut my bedroom door behind me, then the two of us start down the hallway. "Is Jaime here yet? I wanted to talk to him before we get briefed."

Batgirl makes an odd sound, "About that; Nightwing thinks it would be better for you to go on a mission...without Jaime." Eh. "It will give you a chance to thrive on your own and get to know the others."

I try not to screw my face up as I consider that.

"Then...who?" I ask, but there's no need for a response as we enter the mission room. Robin and Beastboy are on either side of Nightwing and I realise they're my mission partners.

"You look awesome!" Beastboy says excitedly.

"Thanks," I grin.

Nightwing gives me a firm nod, "You look ready." Yeah well, that's debatable. He turns to the holographic screen behind him, opening up a case file.

"Tonight," he begins, "You'll be investigating the apartment of a recent release from Gotham Royal Hospital. He was under Poison Ivy's spell for quite some time. When Batman went there he and his family were gone, but a number of spores had been planted within the house. The complex was evacuated this afternoon. Your job is to get in, take samples, destroy the plants and get out. Is that clear?"

He hands us small devices.

"Batman designed these specifically for the molecular structure of Ivy's plants. The ultimate plant killer. Use this side," he points to the jagged surface of the computer-mouse-like device, "press it against a leaf or vine and activate it with that button. Only destroy after Batgirl has taken samples."

Out of the entrance, Sphere, who fascinates all of us, rolls in.

"We're taking her?" I ask excitedly. Nightwing nods, when I realise what I just said. "Uh...But I totally...get the mission."

He keeps nodding with a serious expression, before breaking into a smile.

"Don't worry, I know."

He tells us about the zeta we'll be going through, and how Sphere will take us the rest of the way. The whole thing is exciting, really, even if it doesn't involve much fighting.

I feel something nudge my back as we approach the zeta. I turn around to find Sphere beeping at me. 

"She likes you," Beast Boy says.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now