Two: Hey Doc

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Doctor Magnus explains the traits of each of the Metal Men Descendants as they move along on a conveyer belt. When each adolescent passes, a scanner identifies their entire bodies and displays the details of their powers.

"First on the belt is codename Gold, AKA Lenore James. She may look small, but her original ability is contortion due to extra elasticity in the cartilage between her bones. This makes her lethal in hand-to-hand combat. She is fourteen years of age and hails from California."

When the conveyer moves, Lenore gives a nervous little wave and the scanner fades away from her. At the same time, the belt brings in the next subject. The small boy who was in charge of the cameras earlier.

"Codename Tin, AKA Ben Larson. Has the ability to curtain another person's eyesight by spreading their blindspot to their entire line of sight. We don't make him battle much, he's only twelve years of age. He and his brother, who is also in the line-up come from Atlanta."

Next comes the DJ; Theo, with close-cropped brown hair and brown eyes.

"Iron, AKA Theo Blake. Eighteen Years of age. Like most of the Metal Adolescents, he does not have a specific ability. However, his Iron powers allow him a catastrophic amount of super strength. Originally from Star City."

A handsome blonde boy with Hazel eyes comes up next. He has a clear resemblance to the twelve year old Ben.

"Lead, AKA Koban Larson. Sixteen years of age. No original ability. His younger brother is Tin, or Ben. Like lead, he can block attacks that pertain to radiation and explosions as a whole."

The belt moves along. Mahiko is next, walking along the moving belt to the centre of the room.

"Hey Doc," she says, leaning on on leg and looking around the room uncomfortably. She feels like a piece of furniture on display.

'I'll never understand what made you break up with that Blue,' La'gann murmurs through the telepathic connection M'gann has set up. The Martian, Blue Beetle and Blade glare at him.

"Platinum, AKA Mahiko Kasukazaki. Seventeen years old, with the original ability to control or manipulate electronics. Her mother is here in comatose, her father is back in Japan. Hails from El Paso."

The belt begins moving again. Mahiko waves to the glass as she moves, ready to leave, before something catches her attention in the room the belt is moving from.

Smirk turning to a grin, she raises her hand and waves it slowly. The belt stops, shakes, then begins to rotate again at least ten times faster than it was before.

Axel, who was next, comes stumbling into view before falling over with his hands in his pockets. When he looks up to shout at Mahiko, the girl is already gone.

"It's alright, Axel. I'm sure she will apologise later. Uh- This is Mercury, AKA Axel James. Older brother to Gold, AKA Lenore James. Seventeen years of age. Most lethal when in his liquid form. Also from California."

Instead of waiting for the belt, Axel sprints away when it starts to move, most likely to start a fight with Mahiko.

Alissa calls out to him when the belt moves her out. She watches her boyfriend go, confused.

"Copper, AKA Alissa Doubt. No original ability. Seventeen years of age, born and raised in Opal City. Trained in kick-boxing. Very helpful in trapped situations due to her density and elasticity."

As soon as the belt moves, Alissa starts hurriedly moving towards the exit. Last is a pretty girl with brunette hair and grey eyes, dark than Mahiko's.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now