Nineteen: I Am The Most Logical

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"Mahiko, get back here!"

"Fight me, Jaime. Fight me!" 

The sentiment is shouted over my shoulder as I keep sprinting out onto the beach behind Mount Justice. The sand and the sun are both welcomed with open arms, like oxygen (which is much better than the air inside) for my blood.

 "I can't look at the roof of the medical bay or my room for another second!"  I scream, collapsing just before the shore into the hot grains, sighing at the feeling of my skin soaking in vitamins.

I hear Jaime's footsteps stop next to me. My eyes are shut, in glee, but I crack one open and reach a hand up to him.

"Join me boyfriend," I say, opening and closing my hand.

He sighs, realising I'm not going back inside, before grasping back at my fingers and dropping down beside me. I pat his back before pulling his hand over to lay it under my face as a pillow.

"Black Canary is not going to be happy," he says, looking up at the sky. I frown at the boniness of his knuckles before releasing his imprisoned limb. I need his chest for a pillow.

Not, like, his skin as a pillow case. But like, his bod.

I scoff, "She's not a prison warden. She'll understand," I say, rolling onto my stomach. I flip my notebook open and take my pen out.

'I once had strings but now I'm free. There are no strings on me,' I had added, after I woke up. It took a day, but the moment I opened my eyes everything external was healed. It was internal, where I was still sensitive in veins and organs from all the power, that still needed healing.

Conner has not come to talk to me. M'gann comes in when I'm asleep. My anger has seeped now. If they want things to go back to normal, I'm ready. I don't hold grudges...unless it's a girl trying to steal my boy. That's a whole other ballgame.

I know the Bat must have tortured them anyway. Nightwing as well according to Batgirl. He has come in a few times literally just to praise me on my power.

Using Technopathy has and always will take its toll on my mind and body, but not to this extent. Controlling such a vast explosion with so much energy requiring so many demands; it's going to take a while to recover.

"Did you find out what else was going on?" Jaime asks, finally laying down next to me. He places his arms behind his head, and girl those arms flex son.

"No one tells me anything," I say.

 It didn't take me long to work out that the League members connected to the team were worried about me. Whether it was the risk I took or the reveal that most Metal Adolescents end up ill, I wasn't sure.

But something is going on.

"What else did you add?" He asks, changing the topic.

"Well, I added 'I started a joke, which started the whole world crying' because it was on this movie trailer before Maleficent started. Cass and I watched it. Then I added 'I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream' because Lana Del Rey did a cover of the song for the movie. Then I went to check on the channel, it's losing hard without me recording, and I saw Alissa had done Black Widow, so I added 'I'm gonna love you, until you hate me'."

With that, I shut the book.

"Do you think it's helping?"

"You ask that a lot," I say, immediately, because it's truer than the sun rising in the East.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now