Thirteen: I Read Them And Feel

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"Thank you for joining us, Doctor Magnus," Batman says, looking up at the screen of the Missions room displaying the doctor's kind smile.

"It's no problem, Batman. Where my children are concerned I will always be there for them. Where is Mahiko now, if you don't mind me asking?"

"She's out in the city with Miss Martian and Wondergirl right now. They shouldn't be back for a couple of hours. We just thought we'd take this opportunity to update you on a couple of things pertaining to her, Lenore and Axel," Nightwing says from beside the Dark Knight.

As if on cue, Black Canary enters, both Gothamites, the Doctor and Red Tornado turning to look at her from the centre of the room.

"I've compiled my notes," she says, stopping before them. "Nice to see you again, Doctor Magnus."

"Same to you."

Dinah nods, before she begins her evaluation, "Gold and Mercury seem to be doing much better than Platinum. It seems Mahiko is struggling with her perception of her place on the team and her stance on the things we do. As I told you before, she had a very gruesome experience on her mission which only worsened the complex she was already having. Something so violent... People struggle to find anything good in that. Subconsciously with this new experience she'll want to find the good in it, but she was struggling."

All the while, Doctor Magnus nods, listening to the explanation.

"This is not new," he says, surprising the room. "It's new with Mahiko, she usually asserts herself, but the other adolescents such as Lead and Titanium. Koben and Julia are finding themselves lacking much emotion and even losing memories."

Black Canary and Batman share a concerned look, "Gold and Mercury have not displayed anything similar. Mercury reminds me of Superboy, in some ways, and Gold of Miss Martian. Their reaction are expected."

"Mahiko went to Japan, to see if she could find some feeling, I think," Nightwing says to Magnus.

He nods, "Japan was very important to her, as was the approval of her father. Going there, especially if she went anywhere near him, would have been quite a negative experiencing and therefore bringing forward negative feelings. If that was the only thing she could feel at the time...this may be a bigger problem than I thought."

"Running to where the pain is, is a concern," Black Canary states, "But I have given Mahiko the advice and means to try and hold onto those feelings. It's up to her how she uses that skill."

Doctor Magnus removes his glasses with a sigh, nodding at the heroes.

"Mahiko is not by any means fragile, but she went through some serious experiences with that lunatic after she was kidnapped. As you know Batman, the original Platinum was my first and most loved robot. It was very much the same, for that sickening thief. I'm glad she has the boy back, however. He must be doing her some good."

Nightwing holds his tongue easily on the pun innuendo that rises to mind.

"Yes, Jaime is another fortunate factor in the situation. His tenderness and calming exterior contribute to Mahiko's recovery. I'm sure if we get to this now, we can stop it."

Red Tornado's robotic head moves to look between both parties.

"When will Platinum be returning to the mission roster? It may still be too soon, should the mission involve any serious violence."

Batman looks at Nightwing, "When a good mission that suits her arises, send her on it, and go with her. Perhaps Miss Martian as well, they seem to have grown close. I still think keeping Jaime and Mahiko on separate missions is also a must."

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now