Seven: Join This Team

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The last time I was here things were better. There was no team to join, no girl to challenge and no old flame flickering again.

It was just me, my friends, the Doc and my peaceful life in Creeper's Point.

"You'd know what to tell me," I say to my mother's motionless body quietly. Her complexion has never been more pale. I miss her. "What am I supposed to say to him?"

Apart from the beeping of her monitor, there is no sound in the room. I have never noticed the silence before. Not until now, because I desperately want to hear her say something. 

Suddenly, a shadow is cast over the room. I look over my shoulder to see Theo and Alissa at the window in the hospital window. I smile at them, then my mom, before I get up and walk out.

"Hey, you okay?" Alissa ask as Theo and I fistbump.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry I ran out. That was over the top," I respond. 

They both shake their heads, "Na, you had every right to leave. That entire team knew Jaime was Blue Beetle and said nothing. We'd be mad too. We are," Alissa says.

All I can do is nod, because I'm lost on what to say. I don't think blaming the team is right. It's not their place to reveal anyone's identity.

"You going to come home?" Theo asks. 

"Are they still there?"

"Last we checked. I think Batman had to come down and sort out some things," Al replies as we head out of the hospital.

It's late, just after 6:00pm. I'm sure if I wait just a bit longer they'll be gone before I get back there.

So I shake my head. 

"Later. Just need to think. I'm going to skate, okay?" I smile. They nod silently, understanding. I throw my board down and shove off towards the skatepark.

Considering the time of night, it's empty. I spend about ten minutes idly tricking around, flipping my board and jumping over the rails.

Inside I'm still screaming.

Why didn't he tell me? I mean granted, I mentioned nothing of being kidnapped and turned into a scrap of metal.

I turned into such a monster after that.

The future is undeniable.

He is going to end things, and I know it.

Keeping a boyfriend is hard enough when you live with a sick single mother. Also when you're turning to metal on the inside. 

Maybe this is for the best.

I see him sitting on the bench by the playground where we normally meet. I stay by the tree on the other side of the park just to watch him rub his face and his thighs nervously.

Around a month ago, I was kidnapped by a hellbent lunatic who had developed the means to use Doctor William Magnus' famous 'Metal Men' to create super-humans.

I had been infused with the power of platinum. There are some differences myself and Magnus have noticed, but one in particular is heightened emotion, which has caused a rift between myself and Jaime.

Shaking still, I approach him. He doesn't look up as I near, until I say his name. No doubt the waver in my voice is clear as day.

"Hey," Jaime says softly. His eyes are red-rimmed, like he has been crying. He pats the spot next to him. I glance at the wooden planks he touches, then back at him.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now