Twenty Three: Radioactive Acid Mucus

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It takes thirty seconds.

Literally thirty whole seconds, half a minute, to put them down. We take three each. With mine it was just a bit of fancy staff work. Jaime used his staples again, also shifting his arm into a melee weapon.

When we finish our respective battles we have to remember not to smile at each other. Then I remember I can't jump on him and kiss him.

There is more at stake. 

Using my blade, I cut the ties on the first two sets of kids. Jaime uses a laser in his hand. When the little boy in front of me is free, he launches forward despite still being gagged and bound at the feet, and hugs me.

I wonder how long they have been down here?

I pat his back and reach for the head scarf tied in his mouth and loosen it. He pulls it away silently. Then I free his feet before moving to the girl on the other side of the post that he was tied to.

"Who are you?" A little girl asks as Jaime frees her.

He smiles at her, "I'm Blue Beetle," he says quietly. It's so cute. He nods to me as I help the other two, "And that's Platinum."

On my side is the little boy, who is maybe five or six, an older teenage girl seemingly our age and a set of twin boys who look to be about thirteen. Jaime has three girls who are all probably between twelve to fifteen, and an older boy.

"Platinum? Report." 

"Captives rescued Batgirl," I respond, "Roulette?"

"Apprehended," she says. I give a little sigh of relief; one kidnapper off the streets for now. "Lead the kids out of the tunnels the way you came. There are authorities in the alley." 


The kids, even the older ones, link hands as Blue and I start leading them through the tunnels. None of them speak and it is frightening to wonder what they have been through.

When we close in on the vents leading out to the alley, we can hear voices and see bright lights reflecting off the water. Around the next corner there are cops coming towards us with torches, lead by Green Arrow.

There are enough Policeman to take one kid each. They wrap their jackets around the children's shoulders, or those silver heat-trapping blankets.

"Beetle, Platinum, this way," Green Arrow beckons us out. I suppose Batman sent him because this is his city.

Jaime and I fly up and out of the grate. As we do, a small voice shouts out from the tunnels, echoing up into the air, "Thank you for saving us!" 

The comment is more than just a thanks though- it's relief. 

T won't get his hands on them.

"Good job," Batgirl says when she comes up behind us. She pats me on the back and we watch as the alley floods with detectives who Green Arrow advises, Roulette being apprehended with her henchmen.

News vans pull up and the reminder that we are a covert team does too. Batgirl fires off her grapple and sails up into the air. Blue and I follow silently. 

No media here.

Being the type of person I am, it is very hard to not holler out a yeah! and then pull Jaime into a kiss midair...Oh my gosh, we should try that sometime!

"I suppose I should apologise," Batgirl says into the comm as we head to the Zeta.

"For what?" I ask.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now