Fourteen: Still The Same Mahiko

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'I know you like | The way I turn it on'

"What are you writing there?" Jaime asks from across the table.

"Oh, nothing. Just something Canary got me to do," I say, shutting the notebook and leaning down to place it in my bag.

"Do you think she's helping you?" He asks, stirring his milkshake with a straw.

"I think she's doing her best."

There is a breeze that wafts through the outdoor alfresco of the café. It brings a smile to my face, because it's warm and dusty and exactly like it used to be.

El Paso was my home until I was five, then my home from the age of twelve to the age of fifteen. 

It contrasts greatly against the clinical stylings of Japan. Anyone would expect I had a severe culture shock, but when I came back to America my entire focus was on Jaime so there was little time for that.

This little café, called Smiles, was the place of our first date when we were lame and fourteen. So, we're back here, and I'm filled with El Paso nostalgia.

He's smiling at me from behind his straw, warm brown eyes watching me curiously.

"What?" I grin.

"You look happy," he says.

"I am. I'm here with you, aren't I? Dork."

He chuckles and of course it only brings more warmth towards me. Automatically I reach across the table with an open hand. Jaime places his in mine and my fingers close.

"I forgot how hot you run," I say. "Missed this...Your skin. W-Without sounding like Jeffrey Dahmer."

He laughs with more shyness this time. Jaime has never been graceful in taking a compliment. He truly doesn't realise how special he is. If only he could see himself through my eyes.

"I have a surprise for you later," he tells me, still not drawing his hand back. I turn it over and trace my fingertips over his palm.

"You got a new trick?" I ask, glancing down at both of our skateboards resting beside the table.

"Na," he shakes his head, "It's something else. I just...hope you're ready for it."

I shrug, "After the Gotham debacle I'm ready for anything."

"Right..." He trails off, as if afraid to talk about it. I don't press the issue, preferring to not talk about it either.

Our food comes to us then. He looks so cute, frowning down at his chicken wrap as if trying to figure out how to eat it.

I reach for my phone beside my plate of chicken nuggets and raise it, opening up the camera. I snap a couple of pics of him, capturing the adorable expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Did it talk smack to you?" I ask.

"No," he says, "I'm just wondering why they called it a 'wrap' instead of a burrito."

For a few seconds I just stare at him, blinking a couple of times as I mull over the words, before ultimately erupting into giggles.

This is the calming, couple-y feelings I need to bring back the emotions. Worrying over silly things such as is it a wrap or a burrito? 

"Well, we're in El Paso, they probably want to be unique," I grin. 

The two of us finishing eating, and I never let go if his hand, which makes things hard because I'm left-handed, but still.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now