Twenty Two: A Couple Who Fights Together

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Jaime seems to make the conscious decision to keep plenty of people and distance between Axel and I. My fellow Metal Adolescent is returning for his last mission with the team before he leaves forever.

Good riddance. 

There is a mission briefing the whole team are in for. It was called very suddenly, as if the issue has just risen. However that seems doubtful considering the topic.

Children, often runaways, are being kidnapped by an unknown group and hauled off to nowhere. Our individual tasks vary, but primarily the point is to infiltrate suspected homes or workplaces of villains with kidnapping histories.

The best thing about this mission? It's my first where I am on the same team as Jaime.

We and Batgirl have the task of confronting Roulette AKA Veronica Sinclair, who is believed to be running a casino known as The Homefront in Star City. Nightwing is talking about being vigilant but the more he speaks the less I'm hearing.

More than a few times Jaime nudges me, noticing my eyes drift up to the roof of the cave rather than the many holographic screens displaying our mission parameters.

"Mission clear?" Nightwing asks.

Everyone chimes back in confirmation, including me.

"You did...hear all of that, right?" Jaime asks me as the group breaks apart.

I frown at him, "Of course I did."

"Are you sure? Because-"

Batgirl materialises beside us.

"You two working together," she begins, and Jaime drops whatever he was going to say, "It isn't going to be a problem, right?"

"Why would it be a problem?" I respond, "You work with Nightwing." Do not come after me when it concerns me and my boy.

The statement takes her aback, "Nightwing and I are not-" 

"But you did," I clip, before turning around with Jaime awkwardly trailing behind. The others are heading out as well in their small groups. Batgirl remains completely silent as she stops beside us. 

As soon as Miss Martian has stepped through, the three of us take our walk as the computer registers us and our destination; which, I come to find out, is yet another alleyway.

"Inventive," I joke when we arrive.

"It's normally used by Green Arrow and Artemis," Batgirl says. Oh yeah, archer girl.

She takes out the grapple hook both she and Robin have and fires it at the next brick building. I turn myself into Platinum and dash off up into the sky with Jaime.

Guiltily enough, I feel the need to ask what the plan is again. If I do that it will be the first thing Batgirl reports to Nightwing when we get back.

'Mahiko can't work with Jaime, he distracts her too much' or something like that.

Luckily enough her insistence on thoroughness leads to her repeating what Nightwing probably said back in the cave.

"Our mission is to slip in and out, no alerts or fights. This is strictly covert. Green Arrow sent us the schematics of this place. Our target is the underground basement. If Roulette really is running the show, that's where she'll be doing it from. If she's there our job shifts to apprehension of information or prisoners and if possible, capture."

All of this is said through our comms, as she takes a jiggered route due to her mode of transportation whilst bae and I just glide. The others got Sphere, or the ship, but because both Jaime and I fly and the casino is close we are going without.

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now