Eighteen: Palpitations

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"Nani ga okotta, Papa?" Karumi Kasukazaki asks her father what happened, as they view the news report on the Nihon Gi presentation the next morning.

Chihiro Kazukazaki hushes his daughter, frowning at the television as camera footage shows people, including American Heroes, rushing out of the centre.

The news reporter states that an American Hero contained the blast from the sabotaged equipment, saving everyone in the neighbourhood. Mitchell Susa and Haru Maki were apprehended following the incident.

"Haru Maki?" Akina, Chihiro's wife comes to sit behind him, "Isn't he the one you fired all those years ago?"

"Yes. He's using his EMP activated tech again," he responds, watching the footage of the end of the debacle as it replays.

"Time for you morning lessons, Karumi," Akina says to her only child. The little girl stands up, kissing her father's cheek on her way out of their vast living room.

Chihiro barely notices however, distracted by suspicion as one of the heroes carries out an unconscious female, covered in silver, like armour.

He is then brought back to the memory of his secretary bringing video footage to him earlier that week.

It was his first daughter, Mahiko Kasukazaki, standing outside of the company building. She was speaking on the phone before transforming into a silver being and flying off into the air.

And now he is seeing what he believes to be that exact being, back in Japan.

Doctor Magnus has some explaining to do. 


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"Recognised, Nightwing B01, Platinum B23, Batgirl B16." 

"Cot, now!"

Nightwing walking in with an unconscious, injured Mahiko in his arms is a sight that is not well received.

The Team were lined up for a briefing on the situation, including Beastboy, Lagoon Boy, Bumblebee, Mal, Robin, Mercury, Wondergirl, Blue Beetle and Red Tornado.

Having been radioed, Red Tornado had a cot already in the mission room. Mal rushes it over to them.

"What happened back there?" Bumblebee asks frantically, as Nightwing places Mahiko down onto the thin mattress.

"She saved them all," he says, as they begin wheeling her towards the exit hallway.

"Recognised, Miss Martian B05, Superboy B04." 

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now