Fifteen: Joke In His Vocabulary

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Lenore sits upright in her bed, hand over her mouth tightly. Tears stream down her pale cheeks and sweat coats her brow.

She lurches from beneath the blankets, throwing them away and dashing for the door. It slams open and she does nothing to quiet it, racing down the hallway towards the bathroom.

Not noticing Miss Martian in there she collapses in the second toilet cubicle along and vomits blood into the bowl.

"Lenore!?" M'gann panics, racing to the girl's side. She holds the teen's hair back as she pants, spitting the remaining bile from her mouth.

It's a gruesome sight, red and mirky, all having happened within seconds. 

Confused and in shock, M'gann keeps stroking the younger's hair back, whispering words of comfort. There are no coherent thoughts in her mind, at first, for the Martian to read.

"M'gann?" Beast Boy's voice calls out from the other side of the door. It's the early hours of the morning and he had only heard the commotion by his animalistic senses.

"Oh no," Lenore whimpers softly.

"It's alright, Lenore. It's just-"

"I have it too," she interrupts weekly. "The sickness. The sickness the others have."

With shaking hands she accepts the tissue M'gann hands her, wiping her mouth. The Martian telepathically requests Garfield fetch a glass of water.

"What others, Lenore? What sickness?" She asks kindly.

Lenore moves with the Martian as they both stand, flushing the blood away and stepping out towards the basins.

"Doctor Magnus told Batman. He just didn't think we had it. Me, Axel, Mahiko." The confused expression on M'gann's face prompts Lenore to keep talking in a teary, croaky voice. "After...he, experimented on us, the others got sick. Ben, Koben, Julia, Theo, Alissa...Doctor Magnus told Nightwing to pick me and Axel because we weren't sick, just a little bit scarred mentally. Mahiko had no injuries- physical, or mental, so Doc made Nightwing reject her so she could stay for more evaluation. He felt guilty, and took it back. The others are sick. And now I-..." The girl begins crying.

M'gann holds her close as Garfield brings a glass of water. 

"Get Red Tornado," she tells him.


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"It's not fair!" 

"You sound like a kid."

"I am a kid."

"We're like, nearly the same age. We're not really kids dude."

Metal Has No Heartbeat (A Blue Beetle/Jaime Reyes [Young Justice] Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now