19-Wicked Games

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Chapter 19

The hospital was abuzz with chaos as I entered. This hospital belonged to my family, and my brother now served as its head after our father's retirement. The moment I stepped in, most of the staff recognized me; I was the daughter of the late doctor after the death of his beloved wife.

The secretary, Anna, informed me, "Your father is in room 201. Dr. Jin is with him right now." I wasted no time and hurriedly made my way to my father's hospital room.

As I entered, I found my father lying on the hospital bed, with Jin checking his vitals and various machines hooked up to him. "What happened?" I asked with concern.

"He had a heart attack. I'm glad I was there on time," Jin explained, sighing in relief.

He gestured for me to sit beside him, and without hesitation, I took the seat next to my father. I gently held his hand in hers and asked, "Is his heart rate stable now?"

"He's stable," Jin replied, running a hand through his hair. "He gave me a heart attack myself," he muttered, trying to lighten the mood.

Jin then proceeded to share what happened, and how he had gone to our house to clear it of any belongings or keepsakes. There, he found our father struggling to breathe, and it all happened at once. I could see that my brother was carrying the weight of everything on his shoulders. He was trying not to break in front of me, wanting to be strong for me, but I could see it all. He was one of my protectors in this life, just like my father.

Growing up without a mother, Jin had always been there for me, becoming soft for me because I had no memories of our mother. My mother had tragically taken my life shortly after giving birth to me, leaving me with no memories of my own mother.

"When will he wake up?" I finally broke the silence.

"He's just sleeping for now. He'll wake up in an hour or so," Jin reassured me.

I nodded, gazing back at my father. He didn't deserve this. I gently brushed his gray hair back; I had always loved it—soft and resembling silver and white.

"You can go back to your work, Jin. I will stay with him," I insisted, understanding the responsibilities Jin had as a doctor with patients depending on him.

"Are you sure?" he asked, still concerned.

"I am. Go to your patients."

That night, I stayed by my father's side until he woke up. I slept on the couch next to his bed, attempting to rest, but my mind was restless. I simply lay there, ensuring my family was okay. When he finally woke up, he assured me that it was just a part of getting old and asked me not to worry.

But deep down, I knew the real cause of his pain. my father was not over my mother; he could never be. He had even put his career on hold because he couldn't bear the thought of his wife not being home whenever he returned from work. He couldn't bear the thought of my not being engrossed in my books, jotting down whatever imaginative idea came into my head. He had been deeply in love with my and my boundless imagination, and my absence still haunted him.

Love can not be undone.

And Grief is another way to murder. A slow kill. A slow suicide.

After leaving my father's room, Jin stayed with my father, leaving me to go about my day. I was still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, my classic black pants, and a white shirt. Feeling the need for a wake-up boost, I stopped at Starbucks for an Americano. Despite my apparent weariness, my poise and confidence were unwavering. I made sure that my shoulders were squared, and my back was straight. Even with dark bags under my eyes, my eyes themselves still held a glimmer before heading to the only bookstore I knew—the one my mother used to visit and publish her books.

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