8-Sinful Blood

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Athena's pov

Did he commit those crimes out of hate? And why did he refuse to open up to others? why the fuck was he silent about it all this time and ignoring each therapist? Fucking Heeseung.

One thing I was certain of was that Heeseung, despite his troubled past, was not the perpetrator of those crimes. However, this realization only made my work more challenging. I found myself dealing with the complexities of two distinct personalities residing within a single body.

I understood that Heeseung's reluctance to reveal himself was a form of self-protection, but I couldn't help but question its necessity. Was it truly the only way? There seemed to be nothing I could do to change the situation. The best course of action was to gain his trust, but I knew that a person like Heeseung would not easily allow someone to approach him.

The effort I had put into building that trust was immense, and it came at a cost. I knew that he resented me for my persistence, and she, in turn, resented my own body for betraying me by harboring this mysterious duality. However, I believed that I had passed the first level in their intricate game of connection.

Throughout the night, my sleep was fragmented and disrupted. I found myself waking up repeatedly. Each time I stirred, a new nightmare seemed to invade my consciousness, further heightening my distress. I hate my fucking inking insomnia sometimes- well of the time.

As my eyes fluttered open, they immediately sought out the clock, revealing the unwelcome hour of two-thirty in the morning. Outside, the stillness was shattered by a loud crash as someone stumbled into the dustbins, causing the metallic lid to clatter against the sidewalk. The disturbance only added to my unrest. "fuck I will need more than one coffee tomorrow."

I longed to wash my brain in cold water, hoping to soothe the turmoil within my mind, but I knew it was an illicit desire. Something else mastered my thoughts—a deep unease about the injection. According to the file provided by Sunghoon, the injection contained sedatives to control the prisoner's erratic behavior. Yet, I felt compelled to verify this information for myself.

I was sure that the injection was a complete lie- and had something to do with his behavior. I noticed that the medicine was only used on him, and some inmates in the facility but it was rare.

The dose I had administered to Heeseung the previous day was the one I had secretly taken. It had been an illicit act- I loved illicit. I hid the substance within my water bottle to evade the daily scrutiny of the guards before I made my way to my mentor, Dr. Martin, seeking his expertise in analyzing this fucking medicine.

Heeseung's pov

As the door swung open, breaking the early morning silence, Jade's voice cut through the air, her words laden with a sense of urgency. "Prepare yourself to take a shower, Heeseung," she requested, her tone betraying a hint of concern. I was seated at the edge of the bed, rose wordlessly, and followed her out of the room.

I longed for the solace that a shower provided, a brief respite from the chaos swirling in his mind. However, I was painfully aware that I was only permitted to shower once a week, leaving him with little choice but to accept this harsh reality. With a resigned acceptance, I and Jade made our way to the communal bathroom, while Yoovan patiently waited outside, an ever-watchful presence.

I couldn't help but voice his frustration as I turned to Jade. "Will you just stay and watch me?" I grumbled, his tone laced with annoyance. A mischievous grin played on Jade's lips as she met his gaze, seemingly relishing in his discomfort. It was a look I had grown accustomed to, especially from Yoovan.

Whenever I had the opportunity, I could feel Yoovan's intense gaze upon him, filled with an unexplained hatred. I couldn't fathom why he held such animosity towards him. After all, they rarely interacted, barely exchanging words. Perhaps it was because I believed myself to be a monster. But why should Yoovan care? The thoughts of self-destruction once again crept into my mind, tempting me with our dark allure.

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