6-Past To Futur

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Chapter 6


He found himself standing over the lifeless body of the old man, a chilling sight that sent shivers down his spine. The weight of the knife in his hand was unbearable, its blade was stained with blood that had splattered onto his hands and soaked into his clothes. The realization struck him hard: he had taken a life for the second time.

A question echoed in his mind, tormenting him relentlessly. Why would he commit such a heinous act against an innocent girl? The answer eluded him, leaving him bewildered and lost in a sea of confusion and self-doubt.

"You killed those men, Heeseung," Sunghoon's accusatory words reverberated in his ears, amplifying his inner turmoil. Heeseung couldn't comprehend the gravity of his actions, grappling with the conflicting notion that the victims had derived pleasure from their ordeal. It was as if he had been thrust into a nightmarish situation, unable to make sense of the chaos unfolding around him.

Every day, a parade of doctors would arrive to examine him, each offering their own remedies. One prescribed pill, another administered injections, and then there was Sunghoon, who relentlessly probed Heeseung with a barrage of questions. The routine became a relentless cycle, repeating itself day after day as if they were trying to untangle the enigma that Heeseung had become.

Haunted by his own actions, Heeseung felt like a monstrous aberration. The way the doctors and therapists observed him only fueled his self-loathing, intensifying his feelings of guilt and despair. It seemed as if they were peering into the darkest depths of his soul, magnifying his every flaw and blemish.

"What's happening to you, Heeseung? How can I help you?" Sunghoon's voice resonated with genuine concern and a genuine desire to offer assistance. But Heeseung remained silent, his eyes empty and brimming with darkness. The silence between them was deafening, punctuated only by Heeseung's sardonic laughter, mocking Sunghoon's futile attempts to befriend him. In an instant, Heeseung's eyes transformed into an abyss of jet-black ink, containing a gaze more fearsome than that of a predatory tiger.

The doctor, perplexed and slightly perturbed, persisted with his questions, only to be met with Heeseung's dismissive shrug. Heeseung seemed almost deranged, never providing direct answers and instead diverting the conversation to recounting the practicalities of his story. Sunghoon's frustration grew evident, etching deep furrows across his brow and twisting his mouth into an expression of annoyance.

Another bout of laughter escaped Heeseung's lips, as he relished in his own twisted amusement. "Are you truly a doctor? Or are you merely a brain-dead imposter?" Heeseung taunted, his words laced with contempt. The unexpected transpired as Heeseung, despite being bound by ropes constricting his wrists, seized the doctor by the neck. The guard swiftly intervened, preventing a catastrophe from unfolding right then and there.

"Ah, damn these cuffs," Heeseung sneered wickedly, his menacing demeanor undeterred.

"You're a dense, Doctor," Heeseung hissed, his threat hanging in the air like a dark cloud. "Don't forget, if I can kill the elderly with ease, I can just as easily take the lives of the young, with the same cold precision." Sunghoon remained frozen in his chair, his heart pounding in his chest from the chilling encounter with Heeseung's icy fingers around his throat. The mere thought of it robbed Sunghoon of breath, forcing him to acknowledge the undeniable fact

that Heeseung was truly terrifying.

Dr. Sunghoon, driven by an unwavering determination to help, genuinely cared for Heeseung and the young souls under his care. He empathized with their plight and carried the weight of their troubled lives on his shoulders. However, the hatred burning in Heeseung's eyes pierced through Sunghoon's compassion. Were it not for the guard's presence, he might have met a gruesome demise.

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