Chapter 3: A father

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Chapter 3: A father

Later Izuku was taken back to his house. Inko was doing dishes when she saw her son walk in.

"There's my little boy," Inko said.

She bent down and gave Izuku a bunch of kisses on his little head.

"Did you have fun at the park?" she asked.

Izuku nodded with a big smile on his face.

"I also made a new friend," Izuku said, "His quirk lets him manipulate wind!"

"That's fun," Inko said.

"Yea those two hit it off pretty good," Ryuko said, "If that kid were a girl..."

"Auntie stop!" Izuku whined.

"Hahaha I'm just saying! If you see a girl you like, you best get to her before Endeavor does."

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked.

"Ehhh you don't wanna know Izuku," Nana said.

"Anyway. Since you can breathe fire and throw fireballs, you think you could emit wings, or can you also emit a tail as well?" Ryukyu asked.

"Why would I need to do that?" Izuku asked.

"C'mon! Do you know how much of a punch a dragon tail gives? Imagine a flaming tail! That would not only hurt, it would burn!" Ryukyu noted.


"OIh look, now you got him started!" Inko said.

"This is gonna be a while," Nana stated.

A while.....

After a while, Izuku was still muttering, unbeknownst to him that everyone was a sleep while Ryuko was sleeping while standing up, still waiting for the end of Izuku's muttering rampage. However it soon stopped after the door opened revealing Toshinori.

"Mr. Yagi!" Izuku yelled out.

"Huh?! What? Is it over?" Ryukyu asked, snapping awake.

Nana then saw that Toshinori was here and saw that Inko was still asleep on the couch.

"Hey, Inko! Yagi is here!" She told Inko while shaking her awake.

"Yagi.... oh good, its your.... turn to check on the baby," Inko said in her sleep

Nana tried holding in her laughter. She knew Inko had a big crush on Toshinori but never suspected she dreamed about him. Meanwhile, Ryukyu is laughing her ass off while rolling on the floor. Izuku shook his mother by the shoulder trying to get her to wake up.

"Mama! Wake up! You're dreaming again!" He told her.

"Huh? What? Izuku, go check on your little sister!" Inko said, still barely awake.

"Mom, I don't have a sister." Izuku noted.

Nana and Ryuko lost it and fell to the floor laughing their butts off, much to Inko's confusion.

"Mom, why are you laughing. And why is Toshinori's face so red he looks like he's about to faint?" Inko asked now fully awake.

"You dreamt you were married."

"I... oh... did I say who I was married to?" Inko asked.

"You were dreaming that you were married to Mr. Yagi again, Mom." Izuku told her.

Both Nana and Ryukyu were also red but for a completely different reason. The fact that they were both laughing their asses off. Izuku went to tug on Toshinori's shirt.

"Mr. Yagi I have a question," Izuku asked, "Is it ok for heroes to be scared?"

"Well that's a strange question, where did this come from?"

"Well earlier I met a friend and he was getting picked on," Izuku explained, "Part of me wanted to defend him and protect him, but another part of me felt scared."

"I see, well heroes are always scared of a number of things," Toshinori said.

Izuku listened with interest.

"In one of his many interviews, All Might talked about his fear of not being able to save someone in time. There's no shame in being afraid."

"I see," Izuku said, "Then I'll try to embrace my fear so I can become a good hero."

The sound of thunder was heard and Izuku ducked down.

"B-b-b-b-but since I'm not a hero, could you stay with us til the storm passes?"

"An excellent idea Toshinori," Nana said, "That way you can get more acquainted with Inko."

Hearing this, Inko fainted from embarrassment leading to Ryuko laughing even harder. Nana smirked and secretly planned something. She then turned to Toshinori.

"Toshinori be a dear and carry her to her room."

"Wait, you want me to... carry her... to her room?" Toshinori asked.

"Yeah! You have my permission to even sleep with her! You don't exactly need her permission. She dreams of it all the time!" Nana said.

"Alright then." Toshinori said in an embarrassed voice as he picked Inko up from the couch as he carried her to her room.

"Um.... what's happening?" Izuku asked.

"You'll get it when you're older sweetie," Ryuko said.

Toshinori continued carrying Inko to her room as she was sound asleep.

"Wow, her skin is so soft," Toshinori said to himself.

After a few seoconds he finally made it to her room, then gently laid her on the bed. He smiled as he watched her sleep, then started to walk back downstairs. He felt something grab his arm and looked to see Inko holding onto him.

'I feel like I should wake her up but she looks so peaceful,' Toshinori said.

Inko then started pulling him into the bed with her. Toshinori at this point was a blushing mess. Nana peaked in the door and snapped a picture and made a run for it.

'......Oh what the hell.' he thought as he got into bed with her

After that, Inko hugged Toshinori as if he was a body pillow. Toshinori unconsciously kissed Inko's forehead. Nana saw this and snapped a photo of it.

"I am so teasing them for this," she said.

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