Chapter 11: Battle Trials

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Chapter 11: Battle Trials

The next day of school went by smoothly. There were the usual classes like English, Math, and History. There was also a course on magic in Fairy Tail taught by Lucy. In the afternoon it was time for the big meat of the school. Hero Training 101! Everyone was in class waiting for the teacher to arrive. Izuku was writing down ideas for his quirk usage.

"So who do you think is teaching Heroics?" Kirishima asked.

"Not sure but I know they'll do a good job at it," Sora said.

Everyone herd triumphant laughter.

"I am coming through the door like a hero!" said a familiar voice.

It was none other than All Might who would be teaching.

"Well let's hope you all are ready for your first heroics class, because it will pull no punches!" All Might said.

He pulled out a card that said Battle Trials.

"Hell yea!" Katsuki said.

"And what good is a hero without their costumes!"

He pressed a button revealing suitcases with numbers. Everyone grabbed their costume and went to go change. Later on everyone was outside in their gear. They were joined by Class 1B who was also in their hero gear.

"Vlad King, I see your students are ready for today's lesson," All Might said.

"As always," Vlad said.

"We're gonna put 1A in their place," Mizu said.

She had on some kind of Ninja like costume for her hero armor.

"I think you'll be the one getting crushed doll," KAtsuki said.

His hero gear made him look like he was a human grenade. Beside him was Camie who was dressed simply in a zipup suit. Izuku was walking out of the room with his new hero costume. He had a green body suit, with a breathable mask, and also some kind of cloth tied to his waste. There was also some water packs in case he got dehydrated, and also spikes for his legs and arms.

 There was also some water packs in case he got dehydrated, and also spikes for his legs and arms

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"Whoa, you look great Deku!" Ochako said

"Thanks, Ocha-...ko..." Izuku got a glimps of Ochako's hero costume and was VERY glad that he had a mask on.

"Yea.... I should've gone for something that was less skin tight," Ochako said, "Plus its a bit tight around the marshmallows."

At that point, Izuku was steaming like a tea pot.

"What's that cloth on your belt?" Kaminari asked

"You'll see," Izuku said.

"Now let's get on to the battle training!" All Might said, "Teams of two from Class 1A and 1B will face each other in fight combat. One side will be the heroes attempting to find and disarm the bomb. On the other side there will be villains keeping the heroes from finding the bomb."

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