Chapter 9: Confession and Results

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Chapter 9: Confession and Results

Ochako rushed to Izuku's apartment and knocked on the door. Inko answered it, knowing what she was here for.

"Thank goodness you're here, Ochako. Izuku is in his room." Inko said.

Ochako made her way up and went to Izuku;s room. She knocked on the door.

"P-please.... Go away... I'm a monster...."

"Izuku please open the door!" Ochako said.

There was nothing but silence. Ochako started to get worried. The door suddenly opened up revealing a teary Izuku. Ochako immediately embraced the poor boy. Izuku was surprised by this and decided to hug her back.

"Izuku. Nothing that bimbo said was true." Ochako said.

"And I'd be surprised if you still have feelings for her. You're too good for her, Izuku." Inko said.

"But... But my quirk-"

"Is your quirk and nothing more, nothing less! All Might himself said that there's no such thing as a villainous quirk. It only depends on how YOU use it." Ochako said.

She hugged him close once more.

"Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot to judge you. You're surrounded by people who care about you and love you. Including me."

She quickly covered her mouth

"...wait... What?"

"Y-yes, Izuku. I do... I know that you probably need some time after getting harshly rejected by that bimbo so I won't force anything on you. You don't even have to give an immediate answer." Ochako told him, "But I need you to unders-"

She didn't get to finish as she felt a pair of lips on hers. Izuku was kissing her. He opened his eyes realizing what he was doing and pulled away.

"I'm so sorry I don't know what I was-"

At that, Ochako wrapped her arms around Izuku as she pressed her lips on his and then kicked the door closed with both in Izuku's room now. Inko saw the whole thing and was shocked but also happy that Izuocha got together.

Before Izuku could finish his sentence, Ochako tackled him as she started making out with him as she kicked the door closed.

"Uh... don't go too crazy in there!" Inko said as she walked off to give the two teenagers privacy. "Teenagers."

A few days had passed. Izuku was waiting for his test results. Izuku was eating dinner with the family as he was just staring blankly at a fish.

"Earth to Izuku!" Ryuko said.

Izuku snapped out of his trance

"Huh? What?" Izuku asked.

"Someone seems nervous." Nana said.

"Well... that's because I am. It's been two weeks since the entrance exam." Izuku noted.

"Why would you be nervous? You did great according to Toshi," Inko said.

"Speaking of which, have you two.... done the thing?" Ryuko asked

"The thing?" Izuku asked, "Am I getting a sister?"

Ryuko laughed at this.

"You just might, Izuku!" She said.

"Actually where do babies come from?"

Into turned pale with the sound of glass breaking. That was actually a plate so... It fits haha!!!

"Uh... well... you see Izuku... uh..." Inko said, nervously.

"Well, Izuku. Babies come when a man and woman fu-"

Inko grabbed a frying pan.


"Aw, c'mon! He's old enough to know about this stuff!" Ryuko said.

A few more days passed. One morning, Izuku was in his room lifting weights. The door barged open revealing Inko, her shirt unbuttoned with her bra showing, and no pants on

"IZUKU!!! IT'S HERE!!!" Inko said calmly as she handed the letter to Izuku.

"Whoa whoa mom where's the fire?" He asked, "Also why are you half naked?"

"Not important. A letter from UA came in the mail today!" Inko said.

Izuku took the letter and closed the door. He saw All Might on the screen. He talked about how he was gonna be a teacher before going onto Izuku's scores. He earned a 100% on the written portion, and earned over 200 villain points earning him a spot at UA. However there was another hidden portion. Rescue points. By saving a few examinees he earned 60 points totaling up to 260 points in total!

"I.... I did it..." Izuku said.

Into hugged izuku tightly shaking him


Izuku smiled. Later on he went to the grave of his father and bowed down.

"Well dad, I made it into UA," he said, "I hope to do you proud."

Earlier last night.... (This scene gets lemony)

Toshinori finally got home after doing so many videos for Examinees. He was greeted by Inko who had a big smile on her face.

"Welcome home darling," she said.

Before he could get in a word, Inko seized his lips. The two of them started to make out like hormonal teenagers, feverishly attacking each other's lips. Toshinori fell backwards, falling on the bed, with Inko on top. The mid-chubby woman thought she was crushing him but he didn't mind.

"I love you," Toshinori said.

"I love you too Toshi," Inko said.

Toshinori got a glimpse of Inko's chest shaking a little bit as she moved. She then blushed and turned away a bit. She was a bit self cautious about her body.

"Inko I'm not ashamed or anything, looks aren't everything," Toshinori said to her, "Its not the person you are on the outside, its on the inside that counts. But if anything I think you're beautiful as you are."

Inko smiled and then turned to face him once again. She took one of Toshinori's hands and brought it up to her left breast. Toshinori looked at her and she nodded in approval. He gently squeezed the left breast earning a soft moan from the green haired woman.

He continued squeezing it lightly, then slowly turning to rougher grabs. He could tell Inko enjoyed it, so he recorporated the action onto her other breast, to which she felt extreme pleasure, loving the feeling of his hands touching her body.

Inko then moved to the hem of his shirt and took it off, exposing his muscles and well toned stomach. Toshinori then took off her jeans. They kept undressing each other until they were in their underwear. Toshinori was in his boxers while Inko had her shirt unbuttoned, and her bra hanging from the sides. Her breasts were quite big and plump outside of the bra.

"Don't be shy Toshi, go ahead and touch me," Inko said.

Toshinori moved closer to his fiance, kneading her breasts. He began to massage and grope them, making Inko let out a few hushed moans. After a bit of fondling, Inko felt a bit wet in a 'specific area'. Toshinori felt hard in the same spot. They held each other close and smiled.

"So we're actually doing this," Inko said.

"Looks like we are," Toshinori said.

"No matter what happens, I love you," Inko said.

She spread her legs and Toshinori aligned himself with her cha-cha, before putting his hoo-hoo dilly inside. It hurt a little bit but Inko was fine. Toshinori started thrusting inward back and forth. Inko didn't know why but she was feeling immense pleasure from this feeling.

This continued for a few minutes. Toshinori held Inko close while playing with her breasts, giving her even more pleasure. Inko started to feel something and moaned in delight. Soon after, the two lovers were holding each other in the bed while sleeping soundly. 

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