Chapter 17: Sports Festival Part 2Chapter 17: Sports Festival Part 2

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Chapter 17: Sports Festival Part 2

Soon after Izuku and the others, a few more contestants started running through. The top 42 contestants were able to advance to the next round. Midnight spun a wheel around and it landed on an activity.

"ALRIGHT! Now, the next match up will be.... CAVALRY!" Midnight shouted.

"Cavilry?" Ochako asked.

"Yes. Cavilry. Teams of 4 will use quirk and/or magic to steal points from people!" Midnight said.

People started assembling teams. Iida approached a girl with pink hair and strange goggles. She was somebody that he had been crushing on for a while, despite her quirkiness.

"Hatsume, it will give me great pleasure if you would team up with me."

Hatsume turned around and noticed Iida.

"I have NO IDEA who you are! But I'll accept!" Hatsume said.

She then studied his look a bit.

"Oh yea I recognize ya! You were that guy who asked for the upgrade to your calves!"

"Uh... yes. So uh..." Iida stammered.

"WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! Let's go find more teammates!" Hatsume shouted.

Sora noticed Momo talking to a few people. He started to approach her until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Let's team up Sora," Mizu said, "Together we'll crush the rest of the competition!"

"I think I'd rather take a swan dive off a building." Sora told her.

"But Momo is a whore! You shouldn't be with someone like her!"

Sora smacked her hand off of him.

"Don't talk about my best friend like that you mediocre Katara wannabe," Sora said.

With that he walked away. The area around Mizu became dark and a spotlight shined on her.


She then looked at Izuku who already had a team together, including her former best friend. She was enraged. Izuku, Ochako, Tokoyami, and Melissa were in a team together.

"This will be perfect!" Ochako said, "With your dragon fire, and Melissa's nanotech we'll be able to win this no sweat!"

"Plus with these gauntlets we should have no problem winning," Izuku added.

The teams were set and the Cavilry battle was about to begin.

"Ready..... GO!" Midnight said

The teams started going around trying to grab headbands with enough points. Meissa used the nanotech to make her team move around quickly. Izuku had fire in his hands, prepared to attack.

He noticed one team led by Katsuki about to steal one of their headbands. Izuku channeled fire into his right hand and threw it. It was in the form of a dragon and knocked Katsuki's team back a bit.

Shoto was busy using ice to keep the competition away from him. He saw a puddle on the ground and saw his reflection, however his hair was all red like his fire.

'Let me take over' he said, 'You can't win with ice alone. Its what dad would want.'

Shoto then looked away from his said reflection. Someone was in the stands watching Shoto. This was his mother Rei Todoroki. She knew Shoto had been struggling to use fire ever since his father's demise.

There were more people coming towards Izuku's group. Ochako however, only smirked at the guys coming at them.

"Time to test out my new move," Ochako said.

She channeled some kind of magic energy and punched the ground. This made the other teams that were coming at them start to float in the air a bit.


They all dropped to the ground. Team Izuku started going around and snatching as many flags as they could. There was a shadowy figure coming at Izuku.

"What the fu-"

It was Mizu, delivering a hard punch, knocking Izuku to the ground. Meliss used her nanotech to catch him before he touched the ground

Izuku decided to fight dirty. He channeled up fire in his arm, and sped to Rizu. Natsu recognized this movement.

"Wait.... He couldn't possibly..."

"Fire Dragon FIST!!!!!!"

Izuku then delivered a hard punch to Mizu's stomach, sending her flying towards a wall embedded to it. Ochako and Melissa were surprised that Izuku did that.

"Wow. I didn't know deku could be so brutal," Ochako said.

After a few minutes time was up. Izuku and his team got first place once more! 3 other teams qualified for the next round.

"Yay Daddy!!" Eri said.

"And now we will be having ourselves a lunch break to get prepared for the second round!" Midnight said.

Everyone was surrounding Izuku asking how he learned a legendary magic attack and giving him praise.

"MIDORIYA! Using support items is against Sports Festival Code!" Vlad said, "You must be disqualified immediately!"

Aizawa then snatched the mic away from Vlad and knocked him over the head.

"That was false. Using support items is not against any sort of rules." Aizawa said.

"Thank you sir," Izuku said.

Melissa approached izuku with a smile.

"So I'm guessing the gauntlets are a success?" She asked.

"They certainly are. They help a lot with controlling my flames and super strength quirk." Izuku told her with a smile.

Melissa played with her hair a little as she walked closer to Izuku, smiling. Izukus face started to turn red as a tomato.

"Well I'm glad to hear that," Melissa said, "As a reward for testing out my invention you're gonna be my boyfriend."

Izuku had a confused look on his face.

"Wait... What?"

"I mean I've started to develop feelings for you," Melissa said, "I wanna date you."

Melissa grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. After a few seconds she let go. Izuku was blushing a deep red and completely flabbergasted by Melissa's bold move. He then gained composure.

"Um I'm flattered Melissa, but I have a girlfriend," Izuku told her.

"We were talking Deku, and we're OK sharing you," Ochako said

Izuku rubbed his eyes to see if he was dreaming or hallucinating or hearing things.

"Come again?"

"I said we're OK sharing you," Ochako said, "provided we give the same love to each other as we do for you."

Melissa smiled, kissing Ochako on the cheek. Izuku then pinched himself to see, once again if he was dreaming. Surely enough, he was awake.

Eri approached the two girls.

"Does this mean I have two Mommy's now?" Eri asked making the two girls do a heart squeeze face

"Yes you do," Melissa sais

"Yay I get two Mommy's!" Eri said jumping up and down

Izuku was scratching the back of his head. He never expected to have a girlfriend, let alone two of them! Inko and Nana were watching the event unfold.

"My baby boy's all grown up," Inko said, blinking as tears began to foam, "He has two beautiful girls to be in love with."

"I'm.... so proud of him," Nana said.

Toshinori grabbed an umbrella and brought Eri under. The two women with similar hairstyles let the geysers loose, reaching high into the stadium with tears dropping down, getting most of the attendees wet. 

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