At dawn Elijah hears what seems to be a body sliding across the court yard. Coming down the stairs bloody wolf prints have left a trail leading straight to a torn apart Josephine laid next to the water fountain. Klaus close behind starts to chuckle.
"I think you may be right Elijah. It also seems Caroline has figured out how to shift into her wolf form."
"As it does."
"Have fun, I am out to see Marcel about that vampire army he is building."
Klaus leaves and Elijah begins to clean up. Caroline cleans up quickly; her thrust for blood is high. Finishing freshen her curls she walks out of her room to find a spotless court yard. Elijah standing in the middle; sleeves rolled with a bloody towel in his hands.
"Thanks for cleaning up Elijah. I appreciate it. I was going to ask some random stranger nicely to do it. If that didn't work then compelling." She stands before him smiling. "If your wondering I'm having a smashing day."
Elijah fixes his sleeves and also smiles, "Well Caroline, the problem with this whole situation you have gotten yourself into is that your humanity switch being off doesn't bring out the best in you. It brings out the worst."
Caroline's face goes stern.
Elijah smiles again with his teeth this time and chuckles. His theory was right and he just caught Miss Forbes red handed. "Could you enlighten me on the reason."
"Nope." Caroline turns on her heel and out the gates she goes.
Elijah opens his phone and dials Klaus. "Brother! What could possibly be your problem now? Caroline maybe?"
"Niklaus, enough with the not caring. Miss Forbes did turn off her humanity and she just ran off back in the city. I am assuming to do more damage. Fix this." Elijah hangs up.
Klaus takes a deep breath, he knows very well that a no humanity vampire will eventually lead to destruction. A hybrid without their humanity is worse, but Caroline Forbes without humanity and being a hybrid is going to be a destruction of not only his plan but also of herself.
Marcel clears his throat, "I believe I may know where she is heading. Davin got word that the last of the witches that helped kill your child are hiding out waiting for the trains."
Klaus, "Yup that's it."
* * *
"Any last words," Caroline asks the blonde witch she has pinned against a brick wall. The rest of the witches are scathed across the train station. Klaus swishes in, about five feet from Caroline.
"Caroline, this is enough." He is stern but there is slight proudness in him seeing Caroline like this. Like him.
Caroline turns and gives him a wicked smile. "Is it right for me to assume that Elijah filled you in?" The witch beneath Caroline tries to escape and her grip tightens. "See Klaus, I knew it wouldn't be long till you two figured it out, and if I am being honest I don't care. I made a promise to myself that if I turned it off, it would only be temporary. Turning of my humanity has given me a gift. It has helped the cause actually. It has made me a better fighter, a skilled fighter, a killer. Just. Like. You." Caroline snaps the witches neck and Klaus watches as the body pools at her feet.
Caroline slowly walks up to a stunned Klaus. Puts her hand on his chest and starts to circle him, putting her mouth up to his ear. "Don't you like me better this way? You can't tell me you haven't thought about it. Just think, before my humanity always held me back. There's nothing holding me back now." Caroline now on the other side of Klaus whispers one more thing in his ear, "Maybe we have have that hot hybrid sex now." And with the last word Caroline vamp speeds away. Leaving Klaus more stunned then he has been in centuries.
"New Life, New Enemies, Love"
VampiroThree hundred years ago the Originals built the city of New Orleans. Now that they are back new enemies are trying to take them out but things hit a more challenging point when Caroline Forbes ends up in the city that is always alive. This fan fict...