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Lena felt a body pressed against hers as she cut the dough into smaller bits. Tina was away and she was badly craving some snacks; the perks of being a pregnant woman.

She knew who it was without looking back to confirm. Smiling, she leaned back in his arms. "Darian, let me do this."

"You shouldn't be cooking, Lena. I will order whatever you want. You don't have to stress your ass off in the kitchen." He complained, taking the knife away from her.

"I want homemade snacks, I don't want you to order them." She groaned, veering around to face him. "Maybe you should have taken your culinary lessons seriously. If you had, we wouldn't have to argue over this because you will cook for me."

"Maybe I should have. You know I was interested in learning everything about the kitchen, just for you, I figured there would be days like this, but duty calls, Lena. The mafia affairs and my job wouldn't let me do that." He leaned a little to kiss her lips.

"Er," she smiled smugly as she stared at him. "I see you are trying."

"Here is what we will do, Lena." He placed his hand on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. "Sit over there," he pointed towards one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen table, "And tell me the things to do to get this done for you. My baby is in there and I don't want to stress either of you."

He led her over to the chair, after she crouched down, he walked back to the spot she left all the ingredients and listened carefully to her as she called out the needed ingredients, how to mix them and the procedures to follow.

Darian and Lena had fun making her snacks. When everything was ready, he served her the rolls, pie and a large cup of hot coffee.

He sat beside her, watching as she devoured the snacks with utmost satisfaction. Lena was only one month pregnant and her cravings were already large.

He loved that she ate more, he had always wanted her to add a little more flesh and maybe eating so much now would do that to her body. He made sure she did the right exercises at the right time, never missed her antenatal classes and provided her with all she needed.

He promised to be with her, care for you and see her through the pregnancy and he didn't renege on his promises. He loved his wife so much he was willing to do everything and anything to make her happy.

Lena sipped from the cup of coffee and looked at Darian. His expression was gloomy, his eyes roamed the kitchen as he crossed his arms against his chest. She instantly figured that something was wrong with him and even without voicing out, she knew what the problem was. His mother and the mafia.

Sighing, she dropped the coffee cup on the glass table and reached for Darian's hand. He slowly moved his head to look at her, he smiled and winked at her.

"What else do you want me to get you, Wifey?" He kissed her fingers.

"You are just going to overfeed me, Darian," Lena whined.

"You should eat more, I know my baby likes to eat, you have to eat a lot to keep our baby healthy."

"Darian, I love you." She whispered. "I love you so much, do you know that?"

"I do, and you do know that I feel the same way, don't you?" He stroked her fingers as they conversed.

"And that's why you should share your problems with me. We are one, we shouldn't keep things away from each other." She frowned, jerking her fingers away from his.

"I am not hiding anything from you," he didn't seem to understand what she was talking about. "And why would you jerk your fingers away from me? Do you know how much I like to touch you, huh?" His countenance was so soft Lena flashed back to how cold he always looked when they were newly married. She never thought Darian would be the gentleman that he was right now.

He used to be hard on her, the meanest human she ever met, but right now, he was still mean but very soft when it involved her and she loved it so much. He loved her perfectly, just the way she had always imagined being loved.

"Darian, this has been your mood for days. I chose not to talk about this because I understand that we get so worried sometimes when certain things happen and we just brood about it. But this has been going on for days now, Darian. You keep trailing away whenever you are with me, you smile only when you look at me and you are constantly deep in thought. I hate that scowl you've been carrying about for days too." She kissed her teeth, glaring at her husband. "I know that you are worried about your mother and the Mafia, it gets you so worried that the Mafia you lead doesn't want you to have a relationship with your mother, doesn't it?"

"And I am so confused, Lena. I don't know how to go about it. She's in the hospital, back to life but yet to regain her memory. I think things got worse with her, she doesn't even recognize us anymore. How do I explain to her that she's my mother? And just how can I make the family accept her? I am afraid they'd hurt her in my absence." He shook his head, resting his back on the chair. "I have been thinking a lot about it. I am the Don and I can change the rules, but even if I change the rules, the enmity they harbour towards her remains and they will haunt her until they see the last of her. Judson and Gaius are against my decision already, it wouldn't take them much time to convince others to be on their side."

Lena looked at her husband, she could never really understand everything about the Mafia. Whenever she tried to learn one, other things popped up that just destroyed her chances of learning. If only they would let peace reign amongst themselves, she used to think the mafia was cool and safe until she was manipulated, herself.

"Darian," she touched his shoulders. "I will start with your mom. I know she knows who we are, we just have to give her time to fully recover. The Doctor already confirmed that she was greatly affected after she passed out and fell into a coma, and he also assured us that she'd be fine once she's gotten enough rest."

"I am hoping on those words, Lena," Darian muttered, looking at his wife's beautiful face.

"Trust me," she dangled her head and smiled. "Then for the Mafia, I think they need time too."

"Time? How?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Time to know who she is and see her in a different light, time to understand that she loved your father and her whole world crumbled when he left her. You don't have to make this hard, Darian. Your men are out there protecting her. You should meet with the family again and let them know that you all can settle this amicably without making anyone an enemy. All you need is time and understanding." She grabbed the handle of her mug and sipped from the coffee again.

"Lena, these people don't want to understand. They are ready to hurt her, I do not get the reason she's been hated so much in the Dawson family."

"She wasn't the kind of woman they wanted him to be with, she was a mere hostess who wasn't supposed to even look into her boss's eyes but she fell in love with your father and gave him the best man in the world." She smiled.

Darian chuckled lightly. "You sure know how to make me feel good, Lena."

"Believe me that it's no flattery, you are the best man that I know in the world and I am so glad that you are mine alone."

"These things you say make me want to do things to you, Lena." He smirked at her, leaning closer and she bent her back to deter him from reaching her.

"Things like what, Darian?" She played along with him, knowing what he meant, but she loved it when he was everything but gloomy. Maybe teasing him would make him get out of melancholy.

"Things like the things that made you pregnant," he kissed her tummy. He took her two hands and looked at her. "Thank you, Lena. For always being here with me, thank you so much. There are some times I feel like I can't survive the phase, but having you by my side just makes everything easy all the time."

Lena nodded her head, smiling. She was totally in love with Darian. He was her all and she wanted him for a lifetime.

"Let's always be husband and wife, Darian."

"Yes, I will always choose you." He leaned forward to kiss her lips. "I love you so much." He whispered into her ears.


Married To The Mafia LordWhere stories live. Discover now