ᴇᴘ. 17 → ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ ʟᴀɴᴇ (ᴘᴛ. 1)

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"I'm telling you! The finale will go fine!" MePhone said. He was on the phone with his boss, Adam.

"Ugh, whatever, just make sure MePhone4s doesn't escape or something..." Adam said.

"I may screwed up in the past, but I assure you, everything will go according to plan" MePhone said as he hung up. "Alright, you idiots, after over a year of competition, watching their friends and enemies leave one by on. Only Orange Juice and Taco are still in the game."

"Awesome!" OJ said.

"Aooh!" Taco cheered.

"But the million dollar prize can't go to both of you, so in order to decide this, you will compete in one final challenge. The winner of this challenge gets the million, and the loser gets squat."

"Oh, man. That's rough" OJ said.

"Not even a million squats!" Taco said.

"Hey, can we leave this crapfest yet?" Lightbulb asked.

"Not yet! Sit in the bleachers of the constant you think will win" MePhone said, gesturing to some bleachers. Pickle went over to Taco's bleacher.

"Taco!" Pickle saw that everyone else went to OJ's bleacher. "Oh..."

"Wow! Almost everyone here's got my back! Maybe even Balloon!" OJ said.

"No, not really" Balloon said.

"Screw you."

"Now, the final challenge is what I like to call the master challenge" MePhone said.

"Huh? What's that?" Marshmallow asked.


"He literally just combined all of the previous challenges into one big challenge" You said.

"Well it doesn't sound as cool when you say it like that! Anyway, the challenges in order are" MePhone took a deep breathe and explained all of the previous challenges. "OJ, for winning the last challenge and for having most fans here, you get a prize!" MePhone pulled out a cork and tossed it to OJ.

"How is a cork going to help me?" OJ asked.

"You'll see. Okay, let's not waste any time, you guys ready?" MePhone asked.

"Good luck, Taco" OJ said.

"Heheheheheheh" Taco said.


Taco quickly jumped off of the cliff, fell into the water, and raced out of it.

"I can't swim! What do I d- Oh" OJ said, remembering that he had the cork. He put it on and jumped into the water. Taco had already made it to the lemon collecting challenge. She spat out a bunch of lemons into a bucket and continued.

She made it to the rock throwing challenge and threw a rock at a cardboard OJ. Meanwhile OJ was still at the lemon collecting challenge.

"She's doing surprisingly well" You said. You did believe in Taco but she was doing much better then you thought she would.

Taco got to the slingshot challenge and launched herself across the cliff. OJ made it to the rock throwing challenge and threw a rock at a cardboard Taco.

"MePhone! Y/n! We have to sneak out of the island! Now!" You heard MePhone4s say from behind you.

"Hey! You're not welcomed here!" MePhone said.

"Talk to the hand." MePhone4s held his hand in MePhone's face.

"Hello!" The hand said.

"Now listen to me very carefully. I'm here to help you, not hurt you! He's going to terminate us! And take the million!"

"Who's he?" You asked.

Suddenly a bright light blinded you for a few seconds. You looked up and saw another phone.

"I tried to warn you, you senseless blockhead! It's too late now!" MePhone4s said.

"Who is that?" MePhone asked.

"The new MePhone! He's, like, twice as fast! And half an inch taller! Liquid metal technology! You heard me! And nobody saw it coming! Nobody! Lawl!"

"Why does he want to kill me?" MePhone asked.

"The same reason I was out to terminate you last year!"

"That's right. We can't have the public watching a show with MePhone4s in it. Let alone a MePhone4. Once I'm done with you two, I will retrieve the million dollars and take Y/n back to our creator-" MePhone5 said but got interrupted when MePhone4s shoots him.

"Come with me if you want to live!"


"Just come!"

MePhone reaches his hand to you and you take it before you follow MePhone4s. He takes you both up to the eliminated area in the sky.

"He'll never find us up here!" MePhone4s said.

"So, you're, like, our protector now?" MePhone asked.

"You could say that. It's my mission."

"Will you, like, do whatever I tell you to? MePhone says: Stand on one foot!" MePhone4s raises his right leg.

"Dad, we're in a dangerous situation and you're playing MePhone says?" You asked.

"I agree!" MePhone4s kicks MePhone in the face. "Don't push me!" You look in the sky and see MePhone5 flying towards you all.

"Uhh-" You stuttered.

"Master!" Siri said.

"What do you want, Siri?" MePhone4s asked. MePhone5 quickly slices the beam that was balancing the elimination area and it begins to fall to the ground.

"Y/n!" MePhone calls out as you were about to fall off the edge. Luckily, MePhone4s grabbed your hand before you fell and reached out for MePhone.

"Grab my hand!"

"Not so hard!" MePhone4s hand said.

"Hold on!"

The eliminated area falls to the ground as you, MePhone4s, and MePhone are about to fall where OJ and Taco were. You closed your eyes and braced for impact.


𝐌𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 • Inanimate InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now