▎𝐄𝐏. 𝟔 → 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐄𝐑' 𝐑.𝐈.𝐏.

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"Today, because of the spooky setting for this episode, I got Halloween themed pumpkins, and they're really heavy!" MePhone said to the Bright Lights, who were up for elimination this time.

"Umm... It's not Halloween..." Test Tube corrected.

"You are off by a month, sir" MePad stated.

"Close enough... besides, me and Y/N already started carving pumpkins." MePhone gestured his hands towards you. You were drawing a picture while surrounded by carved pumpkins. "Anyway, the pumpkins go to Marshmallow, Test Tube, Apple and Fan!" Pumpkins were thrown straight into Fan's face.

"Wow, Marsh! We're both safe! We have so much in common!" Apple chuckled as she hugged Marshmallow just a bit too tight.

"Can you please stop strangling me?" Marshmallow struggled to say.

"We're down to our bottom three! I can't say I'm surprised. You guys are pretty annoying" MePhone said, referring to Paintbrush, Yin-Yang, and Lightbulb.

"SHUT UP!" Yang yelled, grabbing one of the torches to try and attack MePhone.

"SECURITY!" MePhone called out. Toilet jumped in front of him and splashed Yin-Yang back with toilet water, forcing them back into their seats.

"Don't worry, sir! I've got your back! I WOULD NEVER LET ANYONE HURT YOU!" Toilet said, getting into MePhone's face.

"Ugh! You're spitting on me! Get outta here!" MePhone yelled, causing Toilet to leave. "Anyway, Lightbulb is safe." Lightbulb simply punches the pumpkin that is thrown at her, not even bothering to look up from her newspaper. "Paintbrush and Yin-Yang, you're the bottom two. I wonder who's gonna go, you know the viewers just love the new characters..."

Yin-Yang were arguing over wether water or dr. fizz was better. Meanwhile, Paintbrush just stared at them and said, "Really?"

MePad began loading the votes, but before the votes were shown-

"Did I miss Yin-Yang getting eliminated?" You said, finally joining the elimination, still holding the drawing in your hand.

"Uhh, no..." MePad said, a little sad that the suspense was cut off as he showed the votes. Yin-Yang got a whopping 1859 votes while Paintbrush just got 946 votes. Paintbrush smiled knowing they weren't going to be eliminated but happiness turned to panic when a pumpkin was suddenly thrown at them.

"Huh? No!" Yin cried.

"Oh! I'm so glad!" Yang cheered.

"I'm sorry for the trouble-" Yin tried to apologize but Yang interrupted him, leading to another physical argument. The portal appeared and they disappeared, though you could still here Yang's distant laugh.

"You hear about this sort of thing in the paper, but you never think it's gonna happen to you..." Lightbulb said.

"Glad that menace is finally gone" MePhone cheered. "Hey, what were you drawing anyway?"

"I made a drawing of those two phones Fan and Test Tube were talking to earlier" You said, causing MePhone to flinch. "I wish you could have seen them, but their gone now. They fell off the cliff and exploded. It looked cool!" MePhone's stress turned into relieve by the news.

"Alright... but if you see another one, come to me or MePad" MePhone said in a somewhat serious tone. You nodded your head, a bit confused.


"Well guys, to celebrate the Halloween special-"

"Dude, it's NOT Halloween!" Baseball said.

"Perhaps if I set the mood?" MePhone said, prompting MePad to begin playing typical scary music.

𝐌𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 • Inanimate InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now