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It was a boring day so far. Your dad was busy planning the next challenge with the assistance of MePad and Toilet. You were thinking about going over to talk to the contestants when you remembered the contestant you got along with the best. Pickle. 

Unfortunately, he wasn't competing in the current season of II. If you remembered correctly, he should be at OJ's hotel. Since nothing interesting was really happening today, and your dad was distracted, you decided that you would go pay him a visit. 

As you walked to the hotel, you remembered about the other contestants who were in the first season that weren't in the second. There was Pickle (obviously), OJ, Bomb, Salt, Pepper, and Paper, Bow and... Taco. Most of them resided in the hotel, apart from Bow, who died in the finale and Taco, who ended up betraying her friendship with you and Pickle, admitting she was only after the million.

Soon, you found the hotel. It was trashier then when you first saw it, probably thanks to the plane that had crashed into it when season 2 started. The windows were either dirty or broken entirely. At least they patched up the giant whole the plane made. 

You knocked on the door, not wanting to be disrespectful. You weren't even sure if you'd be welcomed inside, since you were partially involved in the destruction of the hotel. Soon, the door in front of you opened and you were met with a familiar face. 

"Huh? What are you doing here? Please don't tell me MePhone's here too" OJ said as he looked over your head, looking around to see if MePhone was near by. 

"No, just me. Dad's currently planning out the next challenge and I didn't have anything else to do. I was wondering if I could hang out with Pickle?" You asked. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure he would be happy to see you" OJ said, opening the door wider so you could enter. As you walked in, you could have sworn you heard OJ muttering something about Mephone being irresponsible or something like that. 

You followed OJ through the hotel. It looked much nicer on the inside then it did on the outside. Soon, OJ lead you into a room with a hot tub and chaise lounges. Everyone was there. Salt, Pepper and Bomb were in the hot tub, while Paper and Pickle were sitting on the chaise lounges. 

"OJ, you're back. Is it already if we talk?" Pickle asked, not noticing you since OJ was in front of you and was much taller then you were.

"Uh, of course. But first, you should see who came to see you" OJ said, stepping out of the way so Pickle could see you. 

"Hey! It's good to see you again!" Pickle said, his previous demeanor changing into a happier one. "I-"

"OJ, darling, would you be a doll and go get us some towels?" Salt asked, interrupting Pickle. OJ groaned.

"Sure" OJ said, obviously annoyed. Pickle made a gesture that he would be right back before getting up and following after OJ. Only a few seconds had pasted until Pepper had began complaining. She got out of the hot tub and went after OJ and Pickle and you ended up following after her. 

"OJ! OMG, I'm freezing! The towel, is it in here?" Pepper asked, pointing towards a door that had large red words drawn onto it.


"Wait! Don't go in there!" OJ yelled. 

"Um, why not?" Pepper asked in a room manner. 

"Uh, I mean, uh... nevermind. Go ahead" OJ said.

"What's in there anyway?" You asked.

"I have no idea, but if anything jumps out, it'll go for Pepper first" OJ admitted. Pepper opened the door and immediately, an alarm began blearing as something came out of the closet and kicked Pepper onto the floor. It took less then a second to identify who it was.

𝐌𝐄𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 • Inanimate InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now