Movie Night Part 2

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****Valentina's POV****

Once everyone had calmed down from the whole Shaq and Tanya situation we got the next quiz question

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Once everyone had calmed down from the whole Shaq and Tanya situation we got the next quiz question. "How many calories can you burn during 30 minutes of sex?"

"I would say 300." Jessie being the personal trainer we just let her go for it.

We got that one right and chose to go for Ronnie Darko. I wasn't really too fussed about this one but my interest suddenly peaked when I realised this wasn't about him and Lana but rather his 'egging' on of the boys, which I'd obviously spoken to him about. 

We first saw him make a comment that Liv only really went for Kai because she 'couldn't get Tom' but my heart dropped when Tom came on the screen with him. 

"Forget about Val." Lovely words to hear Ron. 

He obviously hadn't had enough of talking about me because the scene changed with just them two again. "I'll be honest in saying I always thought there was something missing between you and Val, it's like even after you've been together for a while now neither of you wants to make that next move."

"Maybe this is what it takes, I think if we both come out of this fine then we will make that next step."

"I don't think you do. You've been deprived of cuddles for so long I think you deserve them tonight. I bet Val's in a bed cuddled up with someone tonight. Just watch it."

"You and Val have been getting to know each other for what three or four weeks in here. As much as I love Val and everything, how does a girl like that resist all them boys cracking onto her in there? I'm not going to put it in your head that she's lipsing every boy in there but I'd be surprised if she hasn't been getting to know other people and doing certain things?"

"What do you think she's done?"

"I can't see her coming back alone."

"Can you not?"

"I know it's hard not to but I genuinely wouldn't deep this decision of like how you might make her feel... if I was in your shoes I would protect myself."

I loved hearing all this, obviously, and it all got even better when Ron and Lydia came on the screen. 

"I really want to kiss him." Lydia said. "Do you think I've got a chance because I feel like at the minute his head is very much with Val."

"I know and I'm trying to persuade him otherwise. You've just got to stick on the job because I think you're more his type, there's more of an attraction there. Tom and Val will never work on the outside, it's all just sexual chemistry not like an actual connection which you two have."

"Do you think I should just stick to him then?"


I don't even have any words for that. I let Liv and Ron have their battle about the comments he made about her before Jessie noticed my silence. 

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