Chapter 18 - Virat's rage

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Virat entered in room and saw his wife in a bathrobe seating in bed keeping her back against the headboard and hugging her knees. Her face was tear strained and she was crying continuously. There was something she was holding tightly in her hand but he couldn't see that. He knew that she was worried for Pari and came here to search for a way to save Pai. It may happen that she didn't get any way out but for that, she can cry, but this broken condition of her made him worried.

 He went to her and touched her. She slowly opened her eyes to see him and immediately lowered her eyes as she was guilty of some grave crime. Her actions made him tense as she never ever avoided looking into his eyes. He asked in a soft voice "Sai please tell me what happened. How you landed yourself in this condition?? I am getting tense. Please tell me you know na that you can tell me anything."

 She was in a dilemma whether she should tell him or not, then she remembered how he always discussed everything with her, be it how to handle his savings, give something to anyone, or what not.. How he says always it's their life and there shouldn't be any secret between them. So, she finally decides to confess her fault to him. 

She opened her eyes to face her loving and caring husband who by the time cupped her face and kept asking in a soothing voice what's wrong with her. She opened her mouth to answer him back "O Virat I forgot to go to an important work last two months that can cause a problem."

 Virat wept her tears and said "calm down Sai. What so important did you forget that you cried like hell? Look at yourself you broke down baby. Nothing is more important than your health. I heard you haven't proper lunch and didn't eat anything for a long time. Tell me what did you forget and we will find a solution to that. Did you forget to submit any premium or any application??" 

She shook her head in a negative response "it's not so simple Virat I missed my two appointments with a gynecologist, and I forgot to take the last two birth control shoots." He left the breath he was holding in relief and pulled her face up with his finger "look at me, Sai. That isn't a big mistake. Last two months we have gone through a tough time, you didn't have any time for yourself you efficiently looked after Pari, handled other family members, me and had a tough time in hospitals also so it's normal that you forgot. There is no need to feel like that you committed a murder, my love." 

she felt relief also that he didn't though her as an irresponsible person and want angry with her but there is still a lot of things to disclose she said "but the effect of that" he didn't let her complete "Sai when the effect will show we will handle together don't think much. Now let's get up, have some food and relax."

 She became frustrated and said, "The result has come, the mistake showed its effect I am pregnant." Virat stood there like a statue for some time Sai shook him to bring him back to the present. He asked her "How did you come to know??" she opened her left-hand fist and 7 pregnancy test kid were there "I tested with these kids and 7 out of 7 showed a positive result. I am sorry." 

She saw his expression change from shock to anger as he asked "when you came to know about this?" she cried a little and answered "a few hours ago precisely to say nearly 3 hours. I am sorry please forgive me." 

His face became hard and anger was evident in his body language as he lashed out at her "You should be sorry for your deed. What the hell you did?? You came to know that you are pregnant by a home pregnancy kid that you are pregnant 3 hours back in the time when every clinic and every lab was open. You should have called me at once. You should be to confirm it by testing properly in a lab. A blood test should have been done now and consult a gynecologist but no what you did you sat there broke down cried and starved the whole day to make it as much as possible complicated. Now get up and get ready in 10 minutes. I know a clinic that will do a test in this hour for me. Hurry up." 

She didn't utter any word after hearing those and quickly got ready in her jeans, tee and overcoat. By that time he made some phone calls and did some arrangements to open a lab for some time more for them. Before they leave room-service delivered a tray of food containing an omelet, chicken salad, and juice. She wasn't in any mood to eat but his one strained look and order "finish these soon" make her eat her share of food in record time. After they finished their dinner quickly, they went to the lab for a blood test.

 The lab assistant took her blood sample and he requested the doctor there "Stella I want the report as soon as possible. I am really eager to know the result. I know you need some time but make it as fast as possible and call me after you get to know." Stella who was Virat's friend from college said "yes my dear I know every would-be Dad become eager to know this. I will do the test personally as fast as possible and will let you know the result." 

They returned to their hotel room silently. Sai tried to talk to Virat but he remained silent. He bought some multivitamins from a medical shop on their way back and gave her to take those along with some mild sleeping pills to make her sleep.

In the morning when Sai woke up, she saw Virat on phone talking with Dr. Stella. She confirmed the news and gave him the address of a good gynecologist. He makes an appointment with one of them that morning only and orders some breakfast. As per Sai's knowledge, she has to be empty stomach for abortion so she didn't sit for breakfast and made Virat angrier. 

He called her to seat for breakfast but she refused to say "I am not hungry". Virat put some food on a plate and came to her "you may not be hungry but you have to take food at the proper time. You have to if not for yourself then for my baby. Don't you dare to neglect my unborn baby? You have to be careful with my baby. Do you understand??"

 she was shocked and asked "you want this baby at this time? You weren't angry with me for conceiving??" he looked into her lost eyes and was shocked to hear her questions. He made her sit on the bed and hold her hands "Sai why you thought I wouldn't want our baby?? There is no right or wrong time Sai. It's our baby our symbol of love, our flesh and blood, I was elated happy overjoyed to know that I am going to be a father. Yes, I am already a father and love Pari but you know she wasn't a product of love but my mistake. But this baby this is a life a miracle I created with my beloved wife out of love. I felt for the first time I am going to be a father. I was upset and angry with you for not conceiving but for neglecting your and my child's health, for being unhappy with this news."

 Sai had tears in her eyes seeing her husband happy after so many months but she voiced her fear "Pari is in critical condition. What people will think about us for taking another baby at this time?? What she will think? She will be insecure." 

Virat hold her hand and said "No Sai. Everyone will be happy. Everyone needed a break in this situation and it is the best one. A baby will boost everyone up at home. And Pari as I know my daughter it will give her a fighting spirit, she was asking for a little sibling. To see her little sibling she will cooperate with the treatment and will fight back." 

He placed a hand in her tummy and said "See baby your Momma is a silly idiot and mad woman to think that you will not be welcome and neglected you. Dad loves you a lot. Be safe there and fast come out of Momma's womb. Your Dad is waiting." After finishing his conversation with his baby he fed his wife and both left to see the gynecologist. 

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