Chapter 21

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This story is going really slow. Sorry for that. I will speed it up a bit.


**Charlie's POV**

It's Been five months since Beau and I got together. Man, five months have gone quick.

Beau is taking me somewhere today but he won't tell me. I hate surprises. He said he is gonna take me out at 7 tonight. He's gonna be out all day. I have no idea why.

I don't even know what to do today, maybe I can hang out with Ally. I decide to call Ally

"Hey sis, wanna hang out?"

"Yeah sure. Meet at the train station?"

"Yeah sound great. See you there is 10"

"Okay bye" I hung up the phone and left. It took me around 10 minutes to walk there.

I got there and Waited for Ally. I was waiting there for about half an hour and still hasn't shown up. I began to get worried. What if she got lost? What if someone took her? A million thoughts went through my head.

I decided to call her. I rang but no answer. Where was she? I was freaking out so bad. I called Beau.

"Beau, I was meant to meet Ally at the train station 30 minutes ago and she still hasn't turned up. I don't know what to do" I started to cry and people at the train station started to look at me.

"Babe, it's going to be okay. We will find her. I will come and pick you up we will start looking. Have you tried calling her?"

"Yes I have and there was no answer"

"Okay. Just calm down and stop crying. I'm on my way. I love you"

"I love you too" I then hung up.

A few minutes past then Beau showed up. He got out of the car and ran up to me and hugged me. I bawled my eyes out.

"Beau. What if we never find her?"

"Don't say that, we will find her"

"Lets go look for her"

We went to Beau car and got in.

"Call Jai so he can help" Beau said.


I called Jai.

"Charlie, hey. What's up?"

"Ally's missing"

"What! What do you mean she is missing?" He was freaking out.

"I was meant to meet her at the train station nearly an hour ago and she never showed up"

"Okay, I will start looking"

"Thank you Jai"

"Jai's gonna start looking. I'll text the other boys to start looking"

"Good idea"

I sent Luke,James and Daniel a text explaining the situation and asked if they will help us look. They all agreed.


It's been 2 hours since we started looking and we still hadn't found Ally. I was getting even more worried. I kept calling but her phone got turned off. I had a breakdown and burst into tears.

"Beau, I'm scared. What if we never find her?"

"Don't think like that. I promise you we will find her, I'm not going to stop looking. I'll take you home and I will keep looking."

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