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Two more days had passed of being confined into the bedroom. I had fallen into a numbness, not wanting to leave the security of my bed. Eve came in here three times a day to feed me and top up any medication before she was required elsewhere. She never stayed longer than an hour, but I didn't mind.

My walking had grown better, whatever medication Eve was giving me made all the pain disappear. I still struggled getting out of the bath, so Eve had gotten me a seat so it was a lot easier. I felt like the elderly women who used to live next door to me back in Evermore. She used to walk with a thick sturdy branch to aid her and often made a lot of sounds whenever she had to bend or sit.

I was halfway across my room from the bathroom when my door swung open. I jumped in fright, cursing Eve as she beamed at me.

"You scared the hell out of me." I cursed.

She laughed. "Sorry, thought I'd make it a grand entrance."

I shook my head, continuing my way to sit by the window. Eve found me crumpled on the floor as I peered out of it yesterday and within ten minutes had brought me a chair to my room. I exhaled heavily as I sat in it, lifting my legs to perch on the windowsill.

"What's up?" I asked.

"You feel up for a walk?" She grinned, coming to stand beside me.

I looked up from my view of the vast treeline to raise an eyebrow at her. "A walk?"

"Yes." She rolled her eyes. "That thing you do where you move two feet at alternate time-"

"Okay, I got it. Sarcasm noted." I cut her off.

She grinned again, shrugging. "Come on. You've been stuck up here for three days now. You need to come see the land and more of the house."

I hesitated, frowning at the thought of seeing more wolves.

"Come on, I know you want to lay in the grass. Feel the sun and breeze on your skin..."

"I'm listening..." I hummed.

"There's a cute little meadow just around the back of the packhouse. I give you a quick guide of the house."

"The whole house?" I grimaced.

"Okay, just the bottom floor. Please?" She begged, clasping her hands at her chin.

"Okay, fine. This better be a good meadow."

She shrieked in delight, taking my hand and hauling me out of the chair. I stumbled slightly but she didn't seem to notice, pulling me to the door. She practically threw some shoes at my face and I caught them with a less than impressed look before sliding them on and grabbing the crutches by the door.

It was a hot day today, the sandals on my feet sticky on the balls of my feet. I was wearing an off the shoulder black dress with yellow-coloured flowers that hit just above my knee. The bruising on my skin was a mix of green and yellow, on the way to almost being gone since grateful week had passed since the torture of the wolf, and my fiancé and his friend. I shuddered at the memory, pushing it away with all my might.

Clearing her throat, Eve gave me a strange look, but I just blinked at her in return. "Come on."

The clicking and creaking of the crutches filled the vacant hallway until we came to a stop at the same glass door elevator as before. Eve pressed the ground level button once we were inside and I gave her a timid smile.

"You'll be okay." She soothed me.

I frowned. "How can you be so sure? I'm the lamb surrounded by wolves."

an Everlasting PursuitWhere stories live. Discover now