fifty eight

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TW: weight 'fat/skinny' related conversation.

I was elbow deep in products when the bathroom door swung open. I jumped in surprise, grabbing the first product and throwing it at the intruder with a loud cry of shock. They screamed, causing me to raise my eyes to find the owner of the voice.

Piper stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips as she glared at me. "Ailia!"

I sighed in exasperation. "What are you doing storming in here?"

"Why are you chucking things at me?"

"I asked first." I huffed, placing the remaining products back on the side.

She laughed, shaking her head as she walked closer to me. Her eyes ran along the various products, quirking an eyebrow.

"You have no idea, huh?" She smiled softly.

I shook my head. "We just had simple things... This is a lot."

She nodded, a grin breaking free on her face. "Good job you have me!"

"Not forever though." I huffed as she forced me to sit on the toilet lid.

"Oh, don't be like that. We are neighbours after all. But... my welcome is going to be shorted now." She frowned, raising a few bottles into the light.

"What? Is it? Why?" I questioned, my heart clenching at the thought of her leaving me.

"Yeah. Now that Asra has taken a mate, I am here for no reason. My stay was only on the conditions of mate-ship, so..." She sighed, opening a bottle and bringing it to her nose.

"That's not fair." I frowned. "Can't you just... live here?"

"I could." She laughed, pasting my cheeks in the silky cream. "But I am an Alpha's daughter, so it would cause a lot of hassle."

"Well... say it's temporary, that you are my emotional support animal." I grinned, shutting my eyes as commanded by her fingers.

She burst into laughter. "Was that a wolf joke?"

I shrugged, smirking. "Maybe."

She giggled. "Oh, Ailia. I think leaving is going to be so much harder this time around. I truly have found a friend in you."

I peered an eye open to find her pouting down at me, so I reached out and grabbed her knee in comfort.

"Me too. You are the first real friend I have here. You make me feel comforted, supported." I conveyed my truth.

She smiled through watering eyes. "That's why I'm the emotional support animal, right?"

Through teary laughter, Piper continued to help guide me through the various products that now lay in my possession. I could mostly identify which product was which and she even helped me organise them, so they were easier to find.

By the time we had finished, it was time for breakfast. Now dressed in a knee length baby blue summer dress, I awkwardly ran my hands down the floaty skirt. The reality of my current situation didn't quite hit me until we reached the elevator and the wolf inside bowed their head. Even now, walking down the final corridor to my doom, I felt the nerves grasp at my chest and constrict my airways.

"You're going to be fine." Piper mumbled.

She must've noticed my fearful expression because she smiled, pulling me tighter to her side. "You have Asra."

I snorted. "I barely know him..."

"He marked you. You are together in the pack's eyes." She raised an eyebrow.

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