twenty six

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***this is the second update today, please make sure you read 25 first****

Throughout breakfast, I did my hardest to ignore the reactions of the wolves. As if being on my period was enough stress, the added werewolf senses were really making me feel like crap. Every time a new wolf entered the kitchen, their nostrils would twitch and they would turn to seek the scent. Thankfully, none seemed to be disgusted or angry, merely curious as a few asked me if I was okay, which helped settle that part of my mind, but... bloody hell, if everyone could smell everything, then I was going to become paranoid.

Safe to say, I ate quickly before scurrying into the utility room again. Serenity, Ren, as she wanted to be called, had helped me to sterilise the cup and I had it in its little bag ready to use. But before I could escape to my room, I needed to take my sheets out of the washing machine. She told me to not tumble dry them, so I carried them outside hoping to find a line to dry them.

I didn't have to walk far, finding some concrete posts with wire, and also an airer stuck on the ground. I smiled, inhaling the fresh cotton scent as the wind blew my hair astray. Upon realising that the washing line was too high for me to reach, I deemed werewolf world height-ist. Shorter species were not welcome.

Huffing, I tried to keep the sheets from touching the floor as I looked for something to hold them up. An unsettling cramp began in my lower stomach that had me inhaling sharply through my teeth. It was like lightning in my damn butt.

Exhaling the pain away, I spun around once more only to stumble backwards when I found a dishevelled Asra standing where I once did. His hair was messy upon his head, his chest bare and heaving for breath. Had he been for a run?

He stared at me intensely, not saying a word. I watched him with hesitant wonder, from the way his lips parted to the way his chest heaved for breath. He was about three feet in front of me, and this close, I could see his tattoos in more detail. They looked like vines and branches, claw marks and tears. A mixture of thick and thin lines the wrapped around his body.

"They're lined with silver, so they never wear away." His soft voice commented.

I lifted my gaze from his stomach to his eyes, flicking an eyebrow up at his words. Oh, so now he wants to talk to me? After ignoring me, having the weird magical lake thing and then hugging Piper in front of me?

I huffed, passing him the sheets. "Be useful and hang these for me, please?"

His foot staggered in surprise, his nostrils widening as I stepped closer to pass them over. Whilst one hand grabbed the sheets instinctively, the other grabbed my wrist. His head cocked, his dark blue eyes scanning me before settling on the frown of my lips.

"You smell-

I wrinkled my nose, snatching my hand away. "For goodness sake, can everyone stop doing that?"

He growled, shaking his head. "Has someone been causing you trouble?"

Yes, you.

I rolled my eyes. "No."


"Don't Ailia me. I want nothing to do with you," I huffed, crossing my arms.

He grumbled but turned around to hang my sheets, his back effortlessly contorting as he clipped some wooden pegs onto the line. Smoothing out the wrinkles, he turned to me once more. Still sullen, the only giveaway of his emotions was the crease in his eyebrows.

"Thank you," I smirked.

He nodded. "I will have them lower the lines for you."

"No need for that. I'll just find a long stick with a hook." I shrugged. "Or a willing wolf."

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