Chapter 3: The Initiation

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Welcome back again, dear readers...

On the last chapter, the knight, Y/N, and Ozpin made an agreement to enroll in the academy, his initiation would start tomorrow morning...

During evening, Team RWBY gave him a small tour where the dorms are alongside with Team JNPR, they introduced themselves to the knight as he returned the favor...

After their small interactions, the group called it a day and they all went to sleep...

How will his initiation work? Time to find out...)

-Y/N's P.O.V.-

*beep* *beep* *beep*

(I groaned in frustration and slammed my hand on my scroll, turning the alarm off)


(I hate when i have to wake up this early...but i had to suck it up and deal with it because i have to do the initiation...

After remembering that, i then got up and went to the bathroom for a quick shower...

A few minutes later, i started cleaning my armor piece by piece and put them on after that...

Then i started loading my rifle by putting one each fused dust bullet into the chamber...

I then pick my helmet off the door, staring at it as i still remember the day where they left me...)

*sighs* "...Fuck them..."

(I then proceeded to put it on, holsters "The Musketeer" on my back and started heading to the cafeteria...)

-3rd P.O.V.-

(Only to make the knight realize he doesn't know where the cafeteria is...)

Y/N: "...Damn it..."

Yang: "Having trouble, knight?"

(He turns around and sees Team RWBY and JNPR)

Ruby: "Good morning Y/N!"

Jaune: "Morning man!"

Y/N: "...Morning..."

Phyrra: "Did you get enough sleep?"

(He nods his head, making the spartan girl smile)

Phyrra: "That's good to hear"

Weiss: "Where were you heading?"

Y/N: "...Cafeteria..."

Blake: "But you couldn't find it, right?"

Y/N: *points at RWBY* "...Your fault..."

Yang: "Huh? How is it our fault?!"

Y/N: (–_–"')

Ren: "He's trying to say you girls didn't show him where it is"

Nora: "What are we waiting for?! Let's go then!"

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