(Vol. 4) Chapter 39: Destination; Mistral

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-Narrator's P.O.V-

(And here's the final chapter for Volume 4 of "The Forgotten Knight"...

For those who just discovered this story and only read the last chapter, allow me, The Narrator, to give you a little recap of the whole Vol. 4...

Ever since Beacon had falled due to Cinder's inside job, Vale had lost numbers of casualties, including innocence lives and skilled huntsmen/huntresses...

Team RWBY was divided from their own problems:

Yang Xiao Long; the brawler blonde of the team, had lost her arm due to her fight against the Second-in Command of the White Fang, Adam Taurus...

Blake Belladonna; A cat faunus and former member of the White Fang, ran away from everyone to head back to her homeland, Menagerie...

Weiss Schnee; now an ex-heiress of the Schnee Family, was brought back home by her father and owner of the S.D.C., Jacques Schnee...

And finally, Ruby Rose; once an innocent young girl with the dream of becoming a huntress, was now facing many enemies on her way to Haven Academy, Mistral...

But she wasn't alone...

The little red riding hood had her other friends, which they are Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren...

The three of them, alongside with Pyrrha Nikos, were Team JNPR, but the spartan girl wasn't with them because of her unconsciousness for discovering Y/N's "death"...

However, two former criminals and foes, are now their new allies, they were none other than Roman Torchwick and Neo Politan, the mute ice cream themed girl...

With the temporary team formed as Team RNJR or JNRR, they were spotted and cornered by a scorpio faunus named Tyrian...

Because he could take Ruby away from them, four figures appeared in the fight and saved the little red riding hood...

One of them was her uncle, Qrow Branwen, former member of the Branwen Tribe and current Licensed Huntsman, came to the rescue...

Two pair of people also joined, Melanie and Miltia Malachite, also known as the Malachite Twins, they used to work at the Junior's Bar, but they've redeemed themselves from being bad people...

And finally, the one everyone thought he was dead...

Y/N L/N, The Unknown Shadow of Remnant, The Forgotten Knight of Vale...

Now he was The Fallen Knight, the one who failed to protect innocence lives and sacrificed himself for the people he loved...

After the four of them defeated the scorpio faunus, Qrow and Y/N told the group the truth behind the whole situation in Remnant, giving them more questions instead of answers...

At first, there was a small conflict between each other, especially between Jaune and Y/N since they shared almost the same argument back at tournament the fallen knight had once with Pyrrha...

But then, they all put aside their personal problems and focused on the main objective, which it was to get at Haven Academy and warn the headmaster about the Relic...

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