(Vol. 3) Chapter 22: Expect The Unexpected

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(It would seem to appear you're overworking yourself...perhaps, you should take a break to get your creativity back...)

(A/N): Tell me about it, everyone kept saying that on "Let's get this party started!!!" story about me taking a break

(And i truly agree on their suggestions, how about you take a break after making these two chapter?

That way, you can rewatch the serie, check how you can stay as canon as possible, and then you come back as fresh as ever)

(A/N): Hmm, not a bad idea...

Oh well, i guess i can do that, i can't really argue about my health since i'm not as creative as i used to...

(Fear not, dear author, i can guarantee that many viewers won't mind you taking some break to regain your creativity...


The Forgotten Knight is about to reunite with The Crow and The Schnee...)

-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows an happy Weiss running towards the airship...

Ruby and Y/N were following her behind, mostly Ruby went after her while dragging her boyfriend...

The said knight was unfazed since he got used to get dragged by his girlfriend)

Weiss: I can't wait to see my sister!

Ruby: Your sister is an Atlesian soldier?

Y/N: From what it looks like, i think she's more than a normal soldier

Weiss: He's right, she's on higher ranks

(After their small talk, the bullhead lands on the ground as the trio step backwards...

The door opens up and they see Weiss's sister, Winter Schnee, walking down the ramp with two robotic Atlesian soldiers behind her)

Weiss: Winter!

Winter: Weiss, i see you're doing well

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Winter: Weiss, i see you're doing well

Weiss: Why yes!- *ahem* I mean, yes, i'm doing fine here at Beacon

Y/N: Acting formal even with your own sister?

(Winter looks over and she was surprised to see Y/N, knowing Weiss was safe under his wings, she sighs in relief and smiles genuinely at him and her sister)

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