(Vol. 7) Chapter 65: Confession

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-3rd P.O.V-
-Atlas Academy-
-Day Time-

(In their dorm room at Atlas Academy, Weiss is sitting in a circle with Ruby, Oscar, Yang and Blake. She, Ruby and Oscar are sitting in chairs, and Blake and Yang are sitting on Weiss' bed...

On her hand, Weiss is holding an invitation to a banquet hall at the Schnee Manor.)

Weiss: This is rather surprising, considering this invitation is actually coming from my mother.

Yang: She wasn't a fan of parties?

Weiss: *shakes her head* Not really, especially she wasn't bond with my father's parties.

Blake: Makes sense since he was exposed to the public...

Ruby: On the news, she did say she supported both Ironwood and Robyn. Maybe your mother invited us because she heard you're here!

Weiss: That would be a possibility.

Oscar: Did she send that only to you?

Y/N: Who sent what?

(Team RWBY and Oscar turn to the doorway and see Y/N standing with his arms crossed.)

Ruby: *smiles happily* N/N!

Yang: How was the plan?

Y/N: It went smooth.

(Y/N notices the invitation on Weiss' hand.)

Y/N: An invitation?

Weiss: It's from my mother's banquet.

(Neo, Melanie and Miltia peek their head out of the doorway, looking curiously at Weiss.)

Melanie: Banquet?

Miltia: Are we also invited?

(Neo shakes her head up and down, agreeing with Miltia's question.)

Weiss: We all are. And even more shockingly, she wants Qrow and Y/N.

Y/N: *to Ruby and Yang* Is that even a good idea?

(Both half-sisters nod their heads at him.)

Ruby: He actually gave up on alcohol, remember?!

Yang: We even saw him locking his flask inside his room!

Y/N: So, he's more sober and aware of his surroundings?

Ruby: Yup!

Yang: Trust us, Strikes. When Qrow gets sober, things are getting ugly for any bad people.

Y/N: I see.

(Y/N looks at Weiss.)

Y/N: When's the banquet starts?

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