(Vol. 4) Chapter 38: From Bad To Good

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(So fascinating..."The Forgotten Knight" has reached 50k views, such celebration must be honored.)

A/N: How the fuck do they find this story that interesting?! And also, what the fuck?!

(On behalf of our Dear Author, i would like to say thanks to all of you readers for finding this story and liking it with pure genuine feelings...With all due honesty, we didn't blink an eye to believe such goal can be achieved...)

A/N: And also thanks to those who commented on this story to make me realize some mistake on my english, which i apology again for bad english...

(Regardless that, we also appreciate to see this story giving such love...this also gives our Dear Author keep him motivated to keep writing with fun and joy like he once had earlier...)

A/N: Now enough with the emotional moment and let's finish this volume!

P.S.: Thank you again for the 50k views!

-Scene Change-
-Kuroyuri Village-

(Back where we've left on the last chapter...

The Nuckelavee Grimm was staring daggers at The Fallen Knight and his own Grimm version of his horse, having a face-off at the said grimm...

Team RNJR/JNRR were shocked to see their friend, or boyfriend on Ruby's case, actually managing to summon his own Grimm...

But the question they all shared in their mind was:

How did he do that if he confessed he couldn't do it anymore?

Well, to answer that question...

Let's go back when the Malachite Twins left Y/N to order them to protect Qrow.)

-30 minutes earlier-

(Back at the scene where Melanie and Miltia left their team leader to find and protect his former mentor, Y/N was seen at the distance watching his girlfriend and her friends fighting against the Nuckelavee...

Before he could make a step forward, his Aura begins to flicker from F/C to Red from time to time, definitely letting him know what was wrong with his Aura...

He then fell down on his knee, gritting his teeth out of pain while he was watching the fight...

Soon after, he felt the time slowly down, as if the time itself just stopped around him, letting him as the only one who can still move...

After a few seconds later, he turned around and physically met with The Queen of Grimm, alongside with her beloved Grimm Knight...

Salem, the queen herself, had made her appearance.)

Salem: *smiles mischievously* Y/N L/N...

Y/N: ...

Salem: I've noticed how you were so desperate to regain what you've lost...But alas, i'm personally here to confirm if one of my pawns is actually dead.

Y/N: ...Good luck trying to find the body...At this time, his own poison dissolved himself by this time...

(The Grimm Knight begins to growl lowly, unamusing by the news since Tyrian was nothing but a possessive man who only cared about Salem...

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