(Vol. 2) Chapter 11: Atlas Arrival

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(On the previous chapter, Y/N's 2nd semester started alongside Team RWBY and JNPR...

The Forgotten Knight was wandering around Vale for talking with Tukson, a faunus around 30's who used to run a bookstore called "Tukson's Book Trade"...

Unsurprisingly for Y/N, he arrived right before Mercury Black and Emerald Sustrai could try to kill him, Y/N sneakily copied the girl's semblance to make the scenario as an illusion to help Tukson escaping from Vale...

After that, the knight left Vale to return back at Beacon Academy, on his way to the cafeteria, he met Sun once again...

Only to find out he was with his teammate that goes by Neptune Vasilias, the trio headed to the cafeteria as they were talking about the dock event...

As they walk inside the cafeteria, they were witnessed one of the most memorable food fight in history between Team RWBY and JNPR...

As the good things happen to them, on the "dark side" of evil deeds, Roman, Emerald, Mercury and Cinder were discussing about moving to the next phase after stealing so many dusts from basically every dust shop...

Unknowingly to the group, Cinder decided to move to the next phase because she was interested in The Forgotten Knight...

Let's see what Y/N is up to, shall we?...)

-Beacon Academy-
-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(As the sky clears up, we get to see an amazing view of Beacon Academy shining at its majesty...

The screen was showing the view for a while before gradually zooming on the top of the school where Ozpin and Glynda were watching the view from the headmaster's office...

As they were looking down at their students, they hear someone walking to the desk...

Both adults turn around and notices Y/N was the one who reached the office)

Ozpin: *smiles* "Welcome L/N, i must apologize for calling you in the middle of your good time with your friends"

Y/N: "Nothing to worry about...You wanted to see me?"

Glynda: "Actually, the three of us want to see you how you were doing"

(Before Y/N could ask, the elevator opens up and reveals the general of Atlas has arrived...)

Ozpin: *smiles* "James"

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Ozpin: *smiles* "James"

Ironwood: "Ozpin! It has been a long time since the last time we met" *sees Glynda* "And Glynda, it's good to see you again"

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