(Vol. 4) Chapter 37: Street Fight

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(This is intriguing...i've never seen you being this active before, i wonder how the other stories will go.)

A/N: Yeah, i know...i have lots of unfinished chapters on each stories, the Gate one is the most struggling one because i know half of military knowledge.

(Fear not, Dear Author...i'm positive you would get those stories done, before or after you're done with this chapter.)

A/N: I'm just having these scenarios on how each episodes should've been ended. So yeah, i'm returning to make my own way to make stories...

(With the exception of keeping the cannon as stable as possible?)

A/N: I ain't gettin' my arse killed by Spider-Man 2099! Miguel will literally dropkicking my ass into a coma like a fucking Cloaker!

-3rd P.O.V.-
-Day Time-

(After the screen turns on, the camera shows Torchwick staying inside a bar, drinking one of the recommended cocktail at the place...

People were having fun, others were enjoying their drinks while many others were just hanging out and eating their food like there's a feast going on...

An old bartender was seen behind the counter, cleaning one of the glasses while interacting with the said former criminal.)

Bartender: Honestly, i wouldn't expected you to turn from bad guy to a good guy.

Torchwick: I'm a man of many talents, when the forgotten knight showed me the light...he made me realize there are many ways to have fun than just stealing stuffs.

Bartender: *smiles* Of course, that wouldn't be a surprise...

Torchwick: *shrugs, smiles smugly* Just saying...i can pickpocket whenever i want, but i'll just give it back once i'm bored with it.

(The elder man started laughing at Torchwick's comment about not giving up on pickpocketing people while he continues cleaning the glass...

After a sheer of laughter, Doctor Watts was seen walking towards the duo, taking a sit next to Torchwick, putting some Lien on the counter as if he already know what kind of drink he wants.)

Watts: A Martini...Shaken. Not Stirred.

Bartender: Comin' right up.

(With a single name of the beverage, the bartender went to make the drink...

Unbeknownst to him, Torchwick and the cloaked woman were having a face-off, causing the former criminal to smile out of smugness while the man was staring at him with pure disrespect.)

Watts: *scoffs* ...Roman...

Torchwick: *smirks* Well, well...Nice to see you again, Doctor Watzy.

Watts: Hmph...really amateur, even worse than Cinder.

Torchwick: *drinks his cocktail, looks back at him* Please...Cinder is more stubborn when it comes with power.

Watts: While i have to agree with that statement, i don't recall to talk with a traitor.

Torchwick: Says the nerd who tried to hack into tin head's robot soldier systems...

Watts: *glares at him* ...So it was "you" who killed our insider...

Torchwick: *waves his finger side by side* Uh-uh-uh, "i" didn't kill him. He got eaten by a Nevermore.

Watts: *scoffs* So that's why i couldn't reached him...what a pathetic hacker...

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