(Vol. 2) Chapter 17: Mountain Glenn, Part 1

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-Narrator's P.O.V.-

(Hello once again, readers...Our author seems to be more motivated and creative than usual, i must say, i do find this job really entertaining...

As for tradition...

On the last chapter, Y/N kept his word and took Ruby out of their promised date on the dance...

However, their dance was interrupted by Cinder trying to get to hack into CCTV for possible invasion...

After Y/N lightened up Weiss's mood by dancing with her once, he went outside to stop Cinder, and so much to his surprise, Ruby had thought the same thing...

The duo arrived at CCTV Tower and managed to stop Cinder from hacking the communication system...

Later on, Ironwood arrived and took care of the rest while he sent the duo back at the dance...

But then...

The Forgotten Knight and The Red Riding Hood had confessed their feelings to each other...

How would their friends take the news after their talk with Ozpin?...)

-Ozpin's Office-
-3rd P.O.V.-

(As the screen turns on, the camera shows the tower where Professor Ozpin's office is...

Once it zooms in, it shows Ironwood, Glynda and Ozpin waiting for Y/N and Ruby to arrive...

After a few seconds, the elevator opens up and the called out students, Ruby was sheepishly smiling while Y/N was on his usual armor outfit)

Ruby: "Sorry for being late, Professor Ozpin, someone must've played with the buttons"

Y/N: "By someone, she meant herself"

Ruby: *looks up at Y/N, pouts* "Hey!"

Ozpin: *chuckles amusingly* "It's quite alright, Miss Rose, i promise you both that you're not in trouble"

Ruby: "We're not?"

Ironwood: "I requested Ozpin to call you both here"

(The general walks closer to the newly couple...

Ruby was a bit nervous but Y/N stood besides her to calm her down)

Ironwood: "Your action from yesterday night, it was nothing more but like a true licensed huntress would do." *smiles faintly* "You don't wait for the news, you take action and stop anything that cause harm anyone, that's what makes a real huntsmen/huntresses"

Ruby: *amazed, flustered* "W-wow...T-thanks General Ironwood"

Ozpin: *looks at Y/N* "I presume you were also there"

Y/N: "Yes sir."

Glynda: "Do you have any descriptions about this woman in question?"

Ruby: "I couldn't see her face because it was covered by a mask, but she was using the same semblance she used on us when Torchwick got away from you..."

Y/N: "Her attire was infused-clothes kind of attire, preventing it to get burned to ashes from her semblance"

Ozpin: "Really interesting..."

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