Call My Name (pt.1)

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Y/n's POV

"Morning, Y/n" Haerin greeted me with enthusiasm, not common for Haerin to do. I was about to do the same when I realized something, "Seriously? No 'unnie' behind?"

I'm a year younger than Minji and Hanni. Therefore, I have the same age as Dani and older than the rest of two, which are Haerin and Hyein.

"Aren't you like 5 years old?"

"Oh please, that's like days ago" I countered. I couldn't believe they kept teasing me to this day.

The day I turned back to normal, they acted really weird, especially Hanni. After getting teased for days, my memories of that day started coming back, bit by bit.

I just remembered that I didn't do anything weird...

I was grateful for the fact that I had strong self-control, so I didn't manage to embarrass myself any further. However, those three... and what I meant by those three people,

"Oh, baby Y/n is already awake."

"How's your sleep, Y/n?" Dani and Hyein said simultaneously.

Right, those three, Haerin, Dani, and Hyein.

I glared at them, to which Dani responded by giving me a stuck-out tongue. RUDE.

"Stop teasing Y/n, kids" Hanni helped me, yeah right, they were kids themselves. "Don't you have training with Minji?" she added.

"Ah no. I'm free today, that's why I'm about to water the garden and check the soil." I grinned and proceeded to step outside.

Everything was going fine, truly. Only Dani and Haerin accompanied me outside, saying they wanted to see me taking care of the garden.

Yeah, only ME, was taking care of the garden. I had no problem though. They sat on the veranda, talking about stuff I could barely hear from here.

It was until a weird occurrence happened.

"Dani unnie?" I specifically heard that one because it was louder than before. I sneaked a peek just to see Haerin move her hands in front of Dani's face and sometimes flicked her fingers. It looked like she wanted to take Dani out of her daydream (?)

I approached them, finally realizing that Dani's gaze went somewhere. I tried to follow her gaze, but it was just a flower pot.

"Is everything okay, Haerin?" I asked her if maybe she knew more.

"I don't know. We're talking when suddenly Dani unnie isn't responding again. She's been like this for a while" Haerin explained.

I crouched down and tilted my head to clearly look her in the eyes.


This time, I held her hand, "Dani? Are you okay?" still her gaze wouldn't meet mine.

Seconds after trying the same thing over and over, suddenly she changed her stare. She's staring deep into my eyes that I would be lying if I said I wasn't frightened.

"Don't touch me" her voice was deep. I always hear her high-tone voice, so I abruptly removed my hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable."

She considered nothing about my apology, "I don't know you."


I took a glance at Haerin, trying to confirm that I wasn't the only one to think that this was weird. However, Haerin seemed very uncomfortable herself.

'Should I call for the others?' I thought, looking at the floor.

That sounded like the most suitable thing to do. So, I was about to stand up when Haerin swiftly pushed me with her whole body. We both fell onto the ground.

Not long after, something also fell beside me and Haerin.

It was my left horn.

I felt nothing, it was painless, and no blood was involved. I guessed that's because there's nothing inside my horn.

I patted my head to feel it, she didn't cut my whole horn, but damn... it was a clear cut. How? My gaze fell into the golden halo in Dani's hand, then to her head. The heck?

She held her own halo. I never knew that it could be used that way.

"Dani unnie! What are you doing?!" Haerin quickly stood up in front of me. From the start, I was her only target. I was the only one who she didn't know. However, I couldn't think of what the reason might be.

Dani replied nothing. Instead, she put her halo back. By the time she put it, Minji appeared on the scene.

"What happened here?" Haerin and I couldn't believe our ears. Dani said it innocently while glancing at Minji, then at me, and Haerin.

"You suddenly attacked Y/n unnie" Haerin said. She pointed at my horn, "You did this, yet you don't remember?"

With her genuinely surprised expression, she was confused, but then she came to a realization. I couldn't understand it.

"It happens again" she grabbed a handful amount of her hair and clenched her fist.

Minji was about to get close to Dani, but she didn't want to be approached to.

"Don't get any closer to me. I've been having blackouts and when I get my consciousness back, I won't remember anything. This time... I even hurt Y/n, so don't be close. I might... hurt you."

Minji understood and respected Dani's request, "Then what will you do?"

"I need some fresh air. I will just go for now" she said. Dani didn't even wait for our response and just went away. The moment she walked passing me, I could clearly see her guilty expression.

I didn't try to stop her or anything, but I wanted her to know, "I'm okay, Dani. Come back before dinner, please?"

It was only a whisper, but she said, "Okay."

Nothing serious happened to Dani, right? I hope that I can do something for her. 

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