The Elites

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Flashback Scene: The Aftermath and Introduction to The Elites

The echoes of the battle had barely faded when Y/n found herself being escorted through the grand halls of the kingdom's castle. Her battle didn't necessarily produce a wound on her body, but as the adrenaline from the fight started wearing off, she felt so damn sleepy. She kind of knew that she's going to be stiff tomorrow morning.

Finally, they stopped before a large, ornate door. Soobin knocked twice, then pushed it open, revealing a spacious room filled with maps, scrolls, and strategic tools. At the center stood Kazuha, the queen, her regal presence commanding the room. Around her, a group of individuals turned their attention to Y/n.

"Ah, Y/n," the queen said, her voice warm but authoritative. "Welcome on your first day here. Please, step forward."

Y/n took a deep breath and moved into the room, feeling the eyes of the others on her. Kazuha gestured for her to stand beside her, and Y/n noticed the varied group assembled around the table.

"These are The Elites," Kazuha continued, her gaze sweeping across the room. "A special force created to handle the black-market organization. Each member here has been chosen for their unique skills and dedication towards the kingdom."

The queen began the introductions, her voice clear and confident. "An Yujin, a fellow demon," she said, indicating a tall figure with sharp features and a determined expression.

Yujin nodded at Y/n, a glint of recognition in her eyes. "Welcome to the team, Y/n."

"Kim Chaewon, a clever and powerful witch," the queen continued, motioning to a woman with an air of mystery and confidence.

Chaewon gave Y/n a small knowing smile. "It's good to have another strong magic user with us."

"Yeonjun and Kai, our agile and fierce beasts," the queen said, pointing to two young men with athletic builds and an aura of raw strength.

Yeonjun offered a friendly grin. "Glad to have you, Y/n. We'll make a great team."

Kai simply nodded, his eyes assessing but not unfriendly.

Both of them didn't show the appearance of being a beast. They had strong and intimidating auras, but they seemed like a soft boy.

"And Soobin, a human with unparalleled strategic mind," the queen finished, indicating a calm and composed young man with a keen, analytical gaze.

Soobin inclined his head slightly. "I look forward to working with you, Y/n."

"That's just a short introduction for all members. You can talk with them after this meeting is over." The queen turned back to Y/n, her expression serious. "This team is our best hope against the black-market organization, especially its mastermind. Each of you brings something invaluable to the table. I trust you'll work together to achieve our goal."

Y/n felt a swell of pride and responsibility. She glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of her new teammates.

Kazuha smiled, a hint of warmth in her eyes. "Now, let's get to work. We have much to discuss and plan."

Kazuha glanced around the room, ensuring she had everyone's attention. With a subtle nod, she gave Soobin the signal to begin his explanation.

Soobin stepped forward, unfurling a large map of the kingdom and its surrounding areas on the table. He pointed to a marked spot along the coast. "This is Diture," he began, his voice calm and precise. "Recently, we've observed unusual activity here. Increased shipments, secretive meetings—it's clear something significant is happening."

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