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"He's not allowed to until I deem the whole thing done. We've found that a lot can be said in the heat of the moment and we don't want trouble so he's not allowed to say anything till I say it's over. It's not over until I think he's decompressed enough after they are in their rooms." I see Rance start to pace. Jeff frowns. "Usually he does good with that. Takes a nap until I let him out. Doesn't usually pace." His cock was still out as well. He steps toward me and I realize what's wrong.

"Shit." The girl says and stands from her seat.

"Rance. He's not participating he's just an observer. Don't make me have you wrapped up."

"Maybe he should leave." The girl says nodding at me. I was turned on and he was in the mood of mounting. I had to admit I was sort of liking that idea.

"While I'm flattered you wouldn't want me if you knew me." He took a step toward me and Jeff straightened.

"He's asking me why you think that."

"Because I'm half Swan. Every Hyena I've ever dated objected to possibly having a child that is a prey species." I saw Jeff and the girl stare at me. "Seriously I swear I am. My mom is. Dad loves her and didn't care what she was. I think he likes it given she's sweet, small and sexy. Things I didn't inherit." Rance stares at me and tries to take a step forward toward me. Jeff steps between us.

"He's not a Chosen so sit your butt down." Rance sits but continues to stare at me. "No... because that's the rules..." Rance gives a growl a whine and a yip. "God damn it. He wants to know if you would consider being a Chosen." He asks me then turns back to Rance. "Look, even if he does you can't mount him now. He has to be screened and interviewed and tested first." Jeff waited for several minutes. "I can't make that decision I'm the recorder." Jeff rolls his eyes. The girl nods and pokes her head out of the room.

"Uh, what's going on?" I ask Jeff.

"He wants to talk to the Alpha. He's figuring you are here you are turned on, if your willing he figures there is no harm in adding you to the line up. So we sent for the Alpha. Only she can make an exception to the rules. Out of nosiness would you be willing?" He asks me.

"Sure. He's the first guy ever who doesn't care that I'm half swan. If I can get a mate, kids and a future out of this I'm willing." Jeff looks back at Rance and rolls his eyes.

"No I'm not telling him that... Because he's in line to be a chosen so that means you can't talk to him until tomorrow. If alpha says no you can tell him yourself." The door opens and Alpha pops in.

"Is there a problem?" She asks.

"Rance wants Carson to be a chosen." Alpha looks at me then at Rance.

"Just cause he's turned on doesn't mean he's willing and even knows what any of this means."

"Jeff has been explaining it and I'm totally willing." I pipe up quickly. Alpha looks at me surprised.


"As I understand it this is for the sole purpose of breeding and having pups. The chosen who gets pregnant becomes the breeders mate, claimed and everything right?" The alpha nods. "I've never mated because no man wanted to be my mate and possible have cygnets. I told him that I was part Swan and he wants to chance it anyway. I'm willing to possibly get a mate out of this."

"You don't know anything about him."

"So. Is he some kind of deviant?"

"No." Alpha says.

"Abusive, drunk, druggie, anything that would make him a terrible mate, human being, or father?"

"No. He's an enforcer in the pack. He doesn't drink at all thinks drugs are stupid and they don't work on us anyway. He's got a temper but I've never seen him raise a hand to anyone who wasn't going for his throat."

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