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"Rance, I'm so tired." I tell him and whine.

"I know hon. But you are doing so good." I groan as another contraction ripples across my stomach. "The doctor said he could give you something for the pain and it might let you sleep a little."

"No. I don't want the babies drugged. Just stay here and cuddle."

"I'm not going anywhere." He says kissing my cheek again. I knew that I was being a complete and total baby about this but it freaking hurt. At only three and a half months I was a month and a half early. The doctor had warned us that with five I'd be early. I knew the babies would all be very little. There were plenty of pack going to help and my mom, dad, Adam, Tony and all three of the girls were here waiting. I'd been in labor for almost thirty six hours. Only ice chips to eat and pain to occupy my time. Rance tried to keep me entertained but the truth was nothing was helping.

"We never decided firmly on names. Want to play around with them?" He asks me giving me some more ice chips.

"We couldn't decide because we don't know how many of girls or boys we're having. They are proving to be stubborn like you or shy like their uncle Adam."

"Any that you know you definitely want to use?"

"Yes. I definitely want to use Juliet and Leonard. Assuming we don't have all girls or all boys." I grip his hand tight and groan as a contraction was felt.

"I wouldn't mind all girls." He says chuckling. "Have our house decked from top to bottom in pink and purple. Princess, dolls, dress up, play makeup. I'll build them a play house in the back yard that looks like a castle, moat included obviously. Then as they get older I'll buy a sharpening stone and keep it next to my chair."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"So that every time they have someone over for a date I'll be sitting there sharpening my claws. Won't say a word, just sit there and be sharpening." I laughed at him knowing he'd definitely do it.

"What if we have all boys?"

"Then we'll do blue and yellow. Cars, trucks, tools, hot wheels galore, sand box out back so they use the trucks to dig and build in it. A tree house for them to play pirates. When they older I'll keep the bathrooms stocked with condoms because no amount of telling them no and not to have sex will actually stop them. I'll sit each down and make sure they understand that pregnancy is possible and they need to be careful that way too. You know, both ways is a little sexist it seems, but if the girls wanted trucks and supplies of condoms that's okay. Or the boys want pinks and lace with the tree house as a castle tower to be rescued from, that's totally fine." He gave me a grin and wink. "I think you and I should practice that so we can be prepared. Maybe try an adult version. I'll save you from a monster and carry you back to my bed to be ravished." I laugh through another contraction.

"What if we have two girls two boys and one that doesn't want to be either?"

"Let's see, then we'll do a girl bedroom and a boy bedroom with a back yard of anything and everything. A rainbow play house. I'll get the girls working on their own car and the boys baking. We'll have chastity belts all around."

"You are going to be a wonderful daddy." I give him a smile but it turns to a grimace as another contraction starts. As it stops the doctor comes in the room.

"So how are we feeling?"

"Tired. Hungry. Frustrated. Remember to tell me what they are when each is delivered. Okay?" He nods pulling on gloves.

"I definitely will. Let me check, you've been pretty constant for a while now. Did you want to try this on your hands and knees or on your back? Some men say that on their knees is easier."

"I am too tired. Laying on my back is what I've got energy for." Rance helps get me legs bent up so that the doctor can check me easier.

"Well hello there. You've got a baby crowning. Can you feel it?"

"How the hell am I going to know. This is the first time I've been pregnant. It all hurts!"

"Well your body is doing a good job then. But let's help it along. Rance remember to help him keep his legs up and to breath." I take a steady breath and concentrate on Rance and his instructions while I pushed, breathed, and no sooner heard a wail then the Doctor quickly handed the baby off to catch the next one.

"Looks like they are all ready at once. That was a boy by the way." Breathing, pushing, deep breath, push, deep breath push.

"Girl, Girl, Girl, Girl." he says handing off each baby to a nurse as they slip free. When the doctor finally told me I was done and could relax my first thought was 'where are my babies.'

"Before you can ask they are being wrapped up and will be over here in just a moment. So our son was first, then he's got four sisters. What do you think?"

"I think he's going to treated like a living doll by his sisters. Prince to every princess game. Very outnumbered but I bet he's protective over them when they hit their teen years."

"We'll give him little brothers in a few years." Rance says. I laugh and shake my head.

"I doubt we'll get a few years. No doubt we'll forget condoms and get more girls before these five are a year old." he's given two pink wrapped bundles. A nurse comes around to me and hands me a blue bundle, a pink bundle and then lays the last girl on my lap, pillows on each side of her for safety.

"Rance, they're beautiful. Yeah, I'm going to want more." I tip my head to the side and smile at him. "Tagging along to that mating session was the best decision I've ever made."

"Hmm, when you get better we'll see if we can reenact it. I love you Carson."

"I love you too Rance." He gives me a sweet kiss and three of the five babies began to cry. "Alright daddy, here we go." He's grinning in joy looking at our kids. Our babies were going to be loved deeply. I was such a lucky guy.

AN: I hope you liked the story. happy ending and future diapers, sounded like a good ending. But let me know,  Do you want a story about James? Want to see how his life progresses? Or do you want to let them go to live their happy lives?

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