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A few minutes later an older man and woman come in. The man had a doctors bag and started checking out Rance. The older woman knelt next to me.

"Hi honey. I'm Lillian the pack shaman. How are you?"

"I'm tired now."

"And pretty full I imagine. Jeff texted. Said you were attached for going on an hour and a half. He's still cumming I hear." I blush.

"I think it's just a body and mind reaction. I doubt he really has that much cum."

"While he checks on Rance I'm going to do a little check of my own. Now just take some deep breaths for me, alright?" I nod and do it. As I do she sends the power she had as a shaman around my body. What she was looking for I had no idea. I see her eyes are unfocused.

"Well he's fine passed out cold but his breathing and pulse are even. That cock is going to hurt when the knot goes down but some ice and rest and he'll be alright." The doctor looks at me. "I'm Doctor Bruce. Other than stretched and full how do you feel?"

"Tired. Thirsty. Hungry. Not to mention bored. The sex was great this however is not so fun." He laughs.

"Well best thing to do is try to sleep. No telling how long it could take. Even if he stops cumming right this second it'll be at least an hour before it'll go down and the longer he goes the longer it'll take for his knot to go down. He'll probably be out for a good long time. So might as well sleep as well." Becky stands behind him but I'm distracted by the shaman coming back to herself.

"So Rance is alright?" She asks.

"Yes." The man says. I smile.

"You two a couple?" She laughs and nods. "I need to do something else. Now it's not so dignified but it's best I do it. So just take a couple more deep breaths and try to ignore me."

"Alright." She lifts my legs and a hand goes to where Rance is knotted inside me. "Oh goddess." I say and cover my face with my hands.

"Oh I see." She says and puts the leg down. Becky comes back and lays a blanket over me and Rance.

"Thank you." I tell her. "Uh, what do you see?" I ask the shaman.

"You are a mix blood." I nod.

"Yes. How does checking my ass tell you that, and what's that got to do with anything?"

"Well it's where your aura and his intersect it's the easiest place to see into you since your Aura is thinned there because of the sex. Pretty big knot. Wow." she says smiling at me. I blush. "Why it matters is because, in certain very rare cases when a male mates with a prey species it can cause this. Normally the predator chases, wants to beat the crap out of prey, but when it, like this case, is sexual in nature it causes a conquering of a different kind. I'd have warned you two if I'd known you were participating."

"It was sort of last minute and unexpected. It was Alpha approved though." She laughs.

"Well I'll be the first to congratulate you on mating and pups."

"Can you say for certain he's pregnant?" Jeff asks her.

"No, I've not seen that but given this, I'd bet good money that he will be." She looks down at me. "Rest. You're going to need it." She and the doctor leave. Taking their advice I close my eyes and slip to sleep.

It's the feel of being lifted that wakes me. I open my eyes to see a man I don't know holding me. I frown.

"Rance?" He smiles at me.

"No. I'm just the handy guy who gets to carry you to bed." He nods behind him. "That's Rance." I look over this guys shoulder. A tall man with long black hair and piercing blue eyes is propped between Jeff and Becky.

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