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Instead of having the sex we'd planned on we talked for two hours with them. By the time we hung up mom was in love with him and Adam wasn't thinking he was some rage filled Hyena enforcer. As we lay back in bed Rance takes my hand.

"I get the idea that your brother isn't very fond of Hyena's for your dating partners."

"No. While it annoys me I do understand why."

"Can I ask." He says. I sat up. Rance moved up with me and I cuddled into his chest.

"He was the swan growing up in a hyena pack. Take out instinct and they still made him the but of every practical joke and bullying attempt. I stuck up for Adam but they'd catch him alone and he'd be under their thumb again. It got bad a couple times. Guys in enforcer training took advantage of the fact he couldn't tell them no and got him to do all kinds of things for them including sex acts." I hesitated and took a breath. "I don't have proof and I've never dared asked but I think he was raped by one of them. He was very anxious despite his fear, to get away from town after we graduated. I might be small but I can kick ass when I need to but we had different interests he was on his own a lot. It all sort of ruined him for ever dating a hyena. He's always been against me dating warriors or enforcers."

"Did it stop you from dating them?"

"No. I did it anyway. I just didn't tell Adam about it." I said laughing. I tipped my head back and looked up at him. "My dating days are over thank goddess." He bent and kissed me delicately. He lifted his head a hand cupping my chin.

"I'd dated here and there. When I joined the pack here, I met James. I was lost completely. It was only a few months before we moved into the same room together. Everyone could see that we loved each other. But I wanted a family. We had more than one argument about it. But despite his protestations about being pregnant he never took precautions against being pregnant. I thought, and still do, that he was afraid of it. He wants a family but is afraid of being pregnant and giving birth. I thought if he got pregnant and really experienced it he'd change his mind. But I tried over and over. I refused to claim without children. I wanted them badly and I didn't want tied to someone who didn't want them after the claim or couldn't have them. Eventually it drove James away. We argued for six months before he called it quits and asked me to move out of the room. I moved into the enforcers rooms. I added him with the chosen because I still cared for him. I thought if he got pregnant then maybe we could have the life I'd always thought of for us. His tests all came back that he was fertile, I didn't and still don't understand why we never had an accident. The doctor didn't understand it either." He frowned and looked at me. "Does it bother you to hear me talk about him?"

"No. He is and has been a very big part of you. I want to know about all of you." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Where were you ten years ago when I was starting to really need someone?"

"Ten years ago? Hmm, having my brother steal my boyfriend." I tell him. Rance curls his arms around me.

"His loss." He says kissing my cheek then down my neck. Looks like we were getting back to the sex part of this. God I knew him so well. But I'd never had more than a few kisses. I was pregnant with his babies but we'd never made love. It was a little confusing but I knew that he was going to make love to me now. I wiggled down to lay flat again. He followed and laid over me. I enjoyed every kiss, ever caress and every stroke of his hand or tongue on my body. I kept my hands on his shoulders, in his hair, holding him tight to me.

"You really do like my hair don't you?'

"Yes. It's sexy as all get out. Also makes a really good thing to hold onto to keep you near."I tell him letting my hand run through it again. Those kisses got heated the strokes over my body get more demanding and finally when I knew he couldn't resist anymore he slipped up and over me. His thick cock pushed at me and slid inside.

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