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When we got up and had to head to the airport mom was sniffling.

"We'll come for your birthday no matter what. I want to be there when the baby is born. You'll make sure to keep in touch so I know you're doing alright."

"I will mom I promise." Dad hugged me next.

"Be careful son. If you need me for anything, such as beating his ass if he upsets you just call I'll come."

"Thanks dad. I love you too." My nieces gave me huge hugs. The littlest gave me a kiss on the cheek. Tony gave me a light hug. He'd always been careful in front of Adam. Adam hugged my tight.

"Good luck big brother. I'd love to meet this guy."

"Well it'll be our birthday, you could come with mom and dad to visit."

"I'll see how things go but if not then definitely when the baby is born."

The plane ride was boring but it all got really good when I disembarked and found Rance and Alpha standing there waiting for me. I was surprised when Rance wrapped me in his arms and kissed me in greeting. I shot a look at Alpha.

"Don't worry, she said I could be demonstrative this morning. How was your morning?"

"Fine. Expect my family in a few months. They want to meet you and are going to descend on us."

"I'll make sure we run away before they come." that makes me laugh. He gives me a kiss and we head to get luggage.

"Jeff how are you?"

"I'm fine Alpha, did you have a chance to talk to the others yet?" he was really wanting this to be over. I waited.

"I did. When we get home we'll go ahead and do the ultrasound and see whats what. I think they are all prepared to be no's and him a yes. They also, on their own and unanimously said to wave the cool off period." Alpha says. I stop and turn to him.

"So what does that mean for Rance and I?"

"That means that if you are indeed pregnant. He can run off to your room with you and claim you. Nothing will be preventing it anymore." I grinned and looked at Rance.

"I have to be good till it is all over though." I nodded. The good news had me on the edge of my seat all the way home. We were informed that everyone was waiting in the clinic for us. As we got there James was leaving. His guardian wasn't with him.

"James, where are you going. We were going to do the ultrasounds." Alpha says.

"I had him do mine already. I didn't want to wait."

"James?" Rance asks I can see that part of him, the part that still cared for him wanted a yes.

"It was negative. We both knew it would be. No matter what I'd like, or what we'd once wanted. We weren't really meant to be I guess. Good luck Rance I hope you get the baby and future you want." I get a look that was part sadness part envy and part hopelessness. James walks on saying nothing more. Going in we see the others waiting.

"So Rance what order do you want to do this in?" The doctor asks him.

"How about the order I chose for the session." Eva popped up to go first. The doctor smeared up the gel on her and got the wand moving. After several moments she asked if he saw anything.

"I'm afraid not my dear."

"Well I didn't think you would. I don't feel pregnant." She hopped off and smiled at Rance.

"I guess I'll have to find someone else to be my mate." She left a little sad I could tell but alright. Patrick was next he was told no as well. Patrick gave Rance a kiss on the cheek and left without saying anything. Lydia was also told no and she had little tears on her cheeks.

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