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Jeff and I get our plates and get to my room. I'm watching the doorway when Rance pops in a heaping plate. He sits in his normal chair and smiles.

"So how's work?"

"I'm behind already because I forgot I have to fly to my parents house this weekend for their fortieth anniversary party." he's frowning.

"When are you leaving?"

"Saturday morning, really early."

"Well at least I'll get to see you before you go. When will you be back?'

"I have a flight Monday morning."

"I can pick you up from the airport and drop you off if you want. I can't go with you, I'd love to but preferential treatment and all that." He glares at Jeff.

"You better..."

"Take care of him, make sure he eats, all the jazz or you'll break my legs when we get home." He says rolling his eyes. Rance laughs.

"What are you going to tell them about your tag-along?"

"I have no idea I was thinking of just saying he's my assistant. It's how I excuse it at work. They'll assume at first that I'm sleeping with him but I'll explain I'm seeing you and hopefully they won't think I'm cheating on you."

"You don't want to tell them about the Session?"

"Well dad is a Hyena he'd let it go but mom and Adam would have a cow so I'll keep that under wraps unless necessary. Besides then I can brag about you without getting weird looks." I tell him smiling. He chuckles.

"The waiting part of this is always the hardest. The part where I'd really like to hug you, kiss you goodbye and have to be good."

"Yeah like you've been such a model of propriety." Jeff says snorting and rolling his eyes. I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.

"You're just jealous he wants to kiss me." Jeff gives a fake gagging sound.

"You are a nice guy Rance but I ain't interested."

"Oh I'm wounded." He says holding his chest like it actually hurt. We all laughed.

"So, forty years. That's a good milestone. Still feel like newlyweds or are they the kind that are hand and worn glove."

"Newlyweds. My brother and I have learned to knock on all doors when visiting." That made Rance laugh.

"Who is older you or your brother?"

"I am by thirty minutes. He was being lazy."

"Twins. Your parents didn't try for more?"

"Mom was cautioned against it. Given I was a very hard birth. It could have been dangerous for her to have another hyena given she's a swan and very small. Adam was also cautioned to be careful of how many he had though being half hyena he's a little sturdier. I was told the one time I asked that I'd be fine. As a hyena I was built for hyena and have a swan would be super simple for me." I bit my lip.

"I have to ask, you really wouldn't mind having a swan?"

"No. I think it'd be cute. I'm guessing the only one who didn't object to you having a Swan was Tony?'

"Yeah, but that's because he is a Swan. All three of their daughters are as well." I could see that surprised Rance.

"Tony and I met through a friend of moms. He thought I was a crazy weirdo till we got stuck on the side of the road in a broken down car and a few hours together and he asked me out on a date. We dated for a little over two months before Adam came home from college and Tony was a goner. I was pissed. Adam tried not to get between us but he'd fallen for Tony just as fast and I gave him up instead of making them both miserable. I stayed away for awhile with work and see them only a couple times a year now. But we're all friends. When they hear about you I figure they'll be wanting every little detail. Speaking of details we need a selfie. Jeff can we break the arms length rule for two seconds for a picture."

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