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Jeff went to sleep quickly which was good since I really needed to get rid of the hard on I had. I grabbed some tissues and tried to be gentle so I didn't wake Jeff. It was easy to think of Rance, of him picturing me to cum as he lay in bed. The thought of him wanting me so badly made me stifle a groan and cum. Jeff was right about us though, when we could finally be together it was going to be noisy continuous loud Hyena sex. I was looking forward to it.

"Now go to sleep please." I hear in the dark and give a surprised squeak.

"You were asleep."

"No. But I knew that if you thought I was you'd get it over with. Now go to sleep. I'm not supposed to until you are and I'm tired." I threw the tissues away put my underwear in place. I felt really embarrassed doing that and having him know but it was just one more thing he had seen. Hell the man had stood in the room while I pooped.

"Do you ever get to a point where you are going TMI, it's just to much information?"

"Normally no. I'm used to it all. With you though I'm ready to ask alpha to up the timeline just so you two can be together and I can get rid of my own boner."

"I'll close my eyes and hum loudly if you want." I tell him. He sighs.

"No thanks. I prefer a body to go with my release." That made me chuckle.

"Don't jerk off at all?" I asked.

"Rarely, and I don't feel like it now. Go to sleep." I close my eyes feeling better and slip to sleep.

Jeff is up and gone when I wake. I pull out clean clothes and head for the bathroom to wash. He'd find me. I decide against a full shower and just wash in the sink. Jeff pops in a few minutes later.

"Hey, you should have stayed in the bedroom till I got back."

"Where did you go anyway?"

"I had to make a phone call and then talked to your family about the Session. I answered a few questions about the two of you so hopefully they won't swamp you with them. I suspect your mother and brother will still have their own opinions to give. Thought your dad is disapproving he's not said anything."

"How do you know he disapproves?"

"He scowled the entire time. Your brother looked horrified at first then seemed to get past that. Your mom understood the process but can't seem to understand why you would do it."

"Well they'll get over it when he claims me and I have a baby. What was the phone call you had to make?"

"I called alpha."

"Why?" I asked turning around. Was he tattling on us?

"I didn't nark on you if that's your worry." I smiled.

"It was. So what was it about?"

"I was trying to explain that I thought it might be best to drop the second week and do the ultrasound now."


"Because of you two. Plus we all believe that it's you that'll be pregnant. A week is long enough to know if you are and tell development mostly. It just not enough for gender is all. See that smile you have right there is the reason I did it. She said she'd think about it and let us know tomorrow. She was going to talk to the other Chosen and see what they say. Rance will be talked to as well. I figure he'll be all for it." I was sure I'd get a text from Rance after he talked to the Alpha.

"That would be great. We'd still have our cooling off week but at least it would be one more week and not two." When I was dressed we headed downstairs. We were just going to hang out here at the house and grill all day. We hadn't had a lot of time with the family. I had a sudden thought as I hit the kitchen though. I'd break the rules and call Rance later. Put him on speaker phone so that they could talk to him. I'd have to ask when it would be a good time. My phone pinged.

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