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Work was decent. With the preliminary things done. The builder would start on the rip out. I'd be around the house doing my work so here was hoping that I didn't run into James. It was after dark when we got home again. Rance was once again waiting in my room for me. I smiled.

"Have you visited the others?" I asked "I don't like thinking that you are favoring me. They want you too." he smiled.

"I have. Each day I've spent hours with each one. Each one could be carrying my child." I saw the wish in his eyes and the fear that once again it wouldn't happen. I ignored Jeff and went over and kiss Rance's cheek. Jeff sighed.

"Back up Carson. I told you the rules." I nod and go to sit on the bed.

"It'll happen this time." I tell him as I sit.

"Because I knotted you?"

"Yes. But I think you knotted me because you wanted it more this time. I know that sounds kind of conceited but I don't' mean me necessarily. I think anyone who made you want it badly enough would have made you knot. I just got to be the lucky one."

"Change the subject." Jeff says. I smile.

"So while I'm at work what do you do all day?"

"Patrol, kick butt, run herd on the teenagers." He says laughing.

"Teenagers?" While we talked about our days I noticed that Jeff was drifting in sleep. I chuckle and nod to him.

"I better let you two get some sleep." Rance says, he stands and I follow him to the door. I see him glance behind me at Jeff who is still sleeping. He tugs me forward and kisses me. I give a surprised sound but sink into the kiss.

"Hey." I hear from behind me. Rance lets go and laughs.

"See, better stay awake." He leaves giving me a wink. I laugh and shut and lock the door.

"Obviously I can't trust either of you." I laugh and just wash and get in bed. He's leaning in the bathroom doorway. He could get to his own room through it, and my forty-eight hours was up. "If I leave you alone will you be good and not leave without me or let him in here?"

"Yes." I say smiling.

"Yeah I don't believe that. I'm going to change and be back." I wouldn't leave or let him in on purpose but I couldn't guarantee I wouldn't do it at all. He slid some shorts on and came back to stretch out. "And here I was thinking you'd be an easy charge." He says shaking his head.

"What do you expect of the guy who got himself invited to the party." I say laughing. Jeff laughs.

"You better be glad I know your teasing." he says. I laugh.

"It wasn't my idea to kiss him I was walking him to the door so that I could lock it behind him when he kissed me. But I finally got to see what he kisses like."

Since I didn't have to go out for work the next day I ate in the kitchen in my pajamas. Alpha stopped by and raised an eyebrow at seeing me.

"Not going to work?"

"The preliminary meetings are done. Now the dreaded paperwork begins. I'll be running out here and there for meetings and doing things but it'll be random mostly. Hows Rance?" I ask smiling.

"Crabby." That makes me frown.


"He heard that James was spouting off about you last night and is a little annoyed." I spent most of the day in my room only going out for food and the bathroom.

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