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Half of the people coming all thought Jeff was my boyfriend. I finally switched the lock screen on my phone to the picture of us so I could say 'no this is my boyfriend.' I didn't have a present for them so I conned my brother into putting my name on the card for his gift which was a beautiful swan statute for the garden. Rance kept texting me and I sent him texts and pictures back. Showed him all my family, the party, the house. The bedroom I'd be sharing with Jeff probably. We were up very late as we partied then cleaned up. When I finally headed to bed I kissed mom and led Jeff to the guest room. I didn't bother with my pajamas but stripped to my underwear and got in bed. Jeff did the same.

"I love your family they are awesome."

"They are crazy." There was a knock on the door and it popped open after I called to come in. Adam stood there looking at us in bed.

"Uh, Carson, can I have a word for a second." I nod and go to the door. He starts to pull it closed behind me but Jeff pipes up.

"No closing the door." I snorted but pushed it back open.

"What's up Adam?" He looked from me to Jeff and cleared his throat.

"You two are sharing a room?" He asks.

"Yeah. So?"

"You are sharing but he's not your boyfriend. You didn't bring your boyfriend but you brought your assistant who you are sharing your bed with."

"Hey, don't say it like that. He's just a friend. There's nothing between us."

"So I see." He says and looks at Jeff under the covers of the bed. "Can I talk to you downstairs for just a minute."

"I can't." I tell him. Damn it. He thought I was either making Rance up or cheating on Rance with Jeff.

"Why not, the 'assistant' not going to like it?" Ooh Adam was angry.

"I'm not allowed to leave him, if I go downstairs he has to go with me."

"What kind of relationship do you two have? How controlling is this guy. Is he making you say you aren't his boyfriend. Is it some kind of kink to have people think your cheating on a boyfriend with him?" Adam's voice is raised and mom and dad both step out of their bedroom.

"What's with the shouting?"

"It's nothing just Adam being dramatic again." I say quickly. "You can go back to bed." So I don't have to explain it to anyone.

"He and his 'assistant' are sharing the bed. Jeff wouldn't let Carson close the door. When I asked him to go downstairs where I could talk to him he said he couldn't without the guy." Mom and dad were both looking at me frowning now.

"Son. Is this some kind of, alternate lifestyle?" I groan and drop my head into my hands.

"No it's not." Jeff gets up and comes over to stand next to me.

"Just tell them for goddess sake."

"But I don't want too. It's complicated and none of their business."

"Fine I will." Jeff turned to my father. I let him do it. Sure let him be the one to explain it to them. I could pretend I had no idea what he was talking about. "Sir do you perhaps know of Mating sessions?"

"Yes. It's a practice they were starting when I was younger."

"Right, I'm his guardian, he was a chosen, Rance is the Breeder. He's only one week in. Per the rules I go with him everywhere, hence he can't leave my sight." My father stared at me.

"Carson, you chose to participate in this?"

"Yes. Why shouldn't I. I'm not getting any younger you know, besides, the breeder, Rance is hot and sweet and nice and going to be a wonderful father."

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